Face masks

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POV: you do skin care with the brothers

A/n: not my picture, found it on Pinterest also I'm in looooove with Satan's song 💚💚💚💚

Lucifer would stay up for hours on end working. You were concerned for him as the stress was getting to him and his skin. Small wrinkles could be seen on his forehead. You decided to treat him to a pamper night with you. 

-Lucifer: Why did I even agree to this?

He protested as you tied the hair in front of his face up in a cute little bun

-You: because you love me.

He blushed, you put on the sheet mask on his face and yours and giggled. He was so adorable. He was much more relaxed and thanked you, you could see the wrinkles were gone and his face had a smile on it.

After kissing his cheek you had noticed his skin was terribly dry. He didn't take much care for his face so you thought you would in his place. You brought over facial masks for the both of you, a golden one for him and strawberry for yourself,

-Mammon: Ya should be thankful that the great mammon is letting ya do this!

-You: stay still I need to tie your hair.

You tied his bangs up with an elastic and applied the face mask on him and yourself. You giggled a bit as he blushed, you handed him 2 cucumbers to put in his eyes and laid down next I to him as you waited for the masks to do their effect. You couldn't help strong at him and as he laid there, eyes shut,  you kissed his lips lightly.

Levi's skin wasn't the best being in front of a screen all day. You descidas to do skin care for him. He didn't even notice when you got up behind him and tied his bangs back. You waited for him to finish his game before you sat in his lap facing him and put the mask on,

-Levi: Y/n w-what are y-you doing?!

He blushed from the close contact with you,

-You: you look adorable

You giggled as he blushed and picked up another controller to play with him as you waited for the face masks to dry.

You and Satan were in his room when you had the idea of doing face masks together. You left and came back shortly, he didn't even notice being so intrigued by his book.
You sit beside him and tie his hair away from his face,

-Satan: Y/n what are you doing?

You giggled and opened the sheet mask, it was shaped like a cat and had cute pink whiskers and ears on it, he just looked at you confused as you put it on his face and giggled. Then you out the same one on your face as well,

-You: cute.

He chuckled but continued to read now out loud so you could listen as well.

Instead of you doing face masks on him it was the opposite, your skin was starting to break out so asmo suggested doing face masks with him,

-Asmo: you haaaaave to, come on it's fun!

You reluctantly agreed and did face masks with him. As you waited for them to dry you giggled and gossiped about things and did pedicures. It really was a lot of fun and your skin looked much better.

When you suggested doing face masks Beel he quickly agreed as long as he could eat while he waited. When you placed the face mask on his face you had to tell him off so he wouldn't eat the orange scented mask,

-Beel: but it smells so good are you sure I can't eat it?

As you did yours he kept staring at you as well,

-Beel: you look tasty.

You blushed at the sudden statement but gave him some snacks so he wouldn't eat the beauty products.

For someone who slept so much he had the darkest circles under his eyes. You decided to help him out and he was too lazy to stop you. You tied his bags out of the way, it was weird seeing both his eyes but you liked it and blushed at the sight of him smiling back at you.

-Belphie: can I sleep with it on?

-You: you need to take it off in about 20 minutes.

He sighed but laid back down, after finishing the face masks you laid down next to him and hugged him as you napped waiting for the time to pass.

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