When you're sick part 2, taking care of them.

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Lucifer being the avatar of pride would never admit to feeling sick but that doesn't stop you from bringing him tea or hot soup as he is working.

-Lucifer: I don't need soup, Y/n, I am perfectly fine.

He says that just as he sneezes, his sneezes are adorable but he is just to full of pride. He passes out in his table and you take this chance to take care of him and wrap him in a blanket gently hugging him before leaving. Whe you return you notice the empty bowl of soup and smile.

When Mammon was sick he was very confusing because he greedily made requests from you but being the tsundere he is he always wanted to show you that he was perfectly fine.

- Mammon: The great Mammon never gets sick so don't worry but if you're going to the kitchen could you make me soup I'm j-just hungry!

You found this adorable and happily made him soup spoon feeding it to him as another greedy request from the second-born. He fell asleep shortly after and you kissed the tip of his nose before leaving not seeing him smiling and blushing from what you had done.

Levi got sick after playing video games all night despite being used to staying up late. To make him feel better you brought him soup but had to stop him from playing video games

- Levi: Y/n please let me play just one more round?

-You: No Levi you're sick but you can binge on anime just eat your soup.

You lay down beside him and watch anime with him, he ends up falling asleep on your shoulder you find him adorable when he's asleep and run your fingers through his purple hair as you fall asleep as well.

Satan got sick, probably from the dust from all of the books in his room. He was too tired to stay awake when reading his book so you decided to keep him company so he wouldn't get bored.

-Satan: thank you Y/n I hope I'm not troubling you.

You could see that he was mad at himself for getting sick and it showed he tried hard to stay awake.

- You:  don't be so hard on yourself, Satan rest a little bit I'll read to you.

He smile and agreed laying down on his lap as you narrated the book to him he fell asleep fast as you combed his blonde hair with your fingers.

Despite being sick, Asmo couldn't stop worrying about his skin. It seemed he was even more concerned since he was sick. You were worried about him and decided to take care of him.
You agreed to do face masks with him, ran hot baths for him and even brought him tea/soup.

- Asmo: thank you so much darling are you sure you don't want to get in the bath as well?

He smirks teasing you as you deny his request. Eventually he tires himself out taking a much needed nap. You tuck him in kissing his cheek before leaving.

Beel got sick after eating some bad sushi, you felt bad since you were the one who told him about the sushi in the human world. To make it up to him you decided to take care of him so he would feel better. Beel wasn't really mad at you but you insisted on helping him. Being the avatar of gluttony he was always asking for food he especially liked the food you cooked.

-Beel: Y/n could you make me 5 bowls of soup your soup is delicious.

You even went as far as spoon feeding him and after multiple large bowls of soup he finally tired himself out and got some rest. As he laid down you kissed his forehead before leaving.

Belphie loves to sleep but being sick he had a huge headache that was keeping him awake. You felt bad that he couldn't do what he loved most and decided to help him get better.
He was sleeping in the attic insisting in staying there so Beel wouldn't get sick as well. You brought him tea and medicine for his headache and offered to chat with him until he fell asleep.

-Belphie: Thanks I'm getting tired now.

He laid down trying to sleep and despite him being worried about you and Beel getting sick, you laid down next to him and hugged him. He seemed to calm down and fell asleep fast cuddling with you.

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