Sleeping beauty🌸 (Satan x reader)

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A/n: this is based on the Disney version of sleeping beauty because the original is messed up 😬

Yikes, anyways enjoy 😉.

Also it kinda sounds better as a fem reader in my opinion  but I still made it gender neutral to include everyone.

You were bored on a Saturday and decided to go to the library with Satan to pick out some new books. At the library, nothing seemed to catch your attention that's when you and Satan bumped into a shelf knocking over a mysterious book.
You look down at it,

-You: "Sleeping Beauty".

-Satan: This is supposed to be in the fiction section.

You both bent down to pick it up at the same time hands touching on top of the book. You looked at him when suddenly both of you were sucked into the book.
When you woke up you were in the woods surrounded by friendly wildlife.

-You: what happened?

You hear footsteps behind you, Satan, dressed up as a prince looking just as confused as you.

-Satan: I assume we're inside the story.

-You: well then e just have to play it out right?

That was true but nothing seemed to be happening, as if time had stopped waiting for what might happen next.

-Satan: I think this is the part where they dance.

-You: yes, once upon a dream.

He extends a hand and you gladly take it dancing together as the story moves along. Next thing you know you're in the castle walking slowly up a flight of stairs unable to stop. At the top a spinning wheel glowing green.
You can't stop yourself from walking up to it and then you slowly extend your hand pricking your finger on the sharp needle.
As a drop of blood trickles down your finger you fall unconscious the three fairies finding you at the feat of the evil Maleficent. The fairies in turn make everyone in the castle sleep and lay you down on a bed. As the evil fairy once said

- Maleficent: the curse can only be broken with a true love's kiss.

The prince came riding on his white horse, a sword in hand. The evil fairy turned into a dragon keeping him away from the sleeping princess. He courageously fought off the dragon quickly heading to the tower you were asleep in.
When he found you he stared at you for a while, time had stopped again waiting for the story to reach its end. He then slowly leaned in and kissed your lips waking you up. When you looked around you were both back at the library.Satan gave you another kiss then helped you up and you continued shopping.

The end.

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