Baby (fem reader)

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POV: you tell them you're pregnant. 👶

After finding it out for yourself you knew you had to tell him. He was in his office, door open, you pranced back and forth in front of his door biting your nails in anxiety.
He noticed you at his door and motioned for you to come in, it was time to break the news.

-Lucifer: what is it Y/n? I'm busy.

You inhaled deeply and shut your eyes for a second trying to calm your nerves,

-You: I-I-

-Lucifer: what is it?

-You: I'm pregnant.

You said and looked down at your feet your finger playing at your hair and your face pale with anxiety. He looked calm on the outside but Heaven knows he was freaking out. He walked over to you and held you in his tight embrace,

-Lucifer: it's ok.

He assured, you sighed in relief and you couldn't help but notice that, for the following days, he wouldn't stop smiling sometimes even loosing focus in his work as if daydreaming.

Earlier this morning you woke up sick and took a pregnancy test, it was positive. You knew that he was definitely the father but you didn't know how to tell him. You came in to his room with a worried look on your face,

-You: h-hey.

He looked over at you and tilted his head,

-Mammon: what's up?

-You: umm

You blushed slightly,

-You: I'm pregnant.

He looked shocked,

-Mammon: WHAT??!!

You looked up at him with a now sad expression to your eyes

-Mammon: W-wait no this is good!

You smiled your teary eyes slowly drying themselves.


he hugged you tight and smiled before running around telling everyone and anyone he could find.

You figured out you were pregnant and knew you had to tell him. He was in his room playing video games, as usual, when you walked in,

-You: H-hey.

-Levi: Hi wanna play with me.

-You: umm maybe later, there's something I need to tell you.

He stopped his game immediately and looked at you anxiously. You sat down beside him and inhaled deeply,

-You: I-I'm,

You were so nervous the words wouldn't come out your mouth,

-Levi: What is it?

He anxiously waited for your response, you sighed and looked at him,

-You: I'm pregnant.

-Levi: H-huh?

He blushed a crimson red and kept repeating the same "huh" as if he were in a loop. You shook him,

-You: Hey Levi it's ok, right?

-Levi: yeah, this is awesome!!

He finally went back to himself and exclaimed before taking out his phone and typing extremely quickly, it was an announcement that you were pregnant. The next days he would go on and on about how he would name the child after anime names and teach it how to play video games.

You bit your nails in anxiety as you didn't know how to tell him that you were pregnant. You had known for almost a week now but we're scared of his reaction. You decided that you needed to tell him and walked over to his room,

-You: there's something I need to tell you.

He lifted his gaze from the pages of a book and stared at you while he waited for you to speak,

-You: I-I'm pregnant.

You exhaled he closed his book and gave you a hug, you noticed that his book shelf's had an empty space that was rapidly being filled with parenting and baby books.

You didn't really think that Asmo was the type to have kids so you were nervous about letting him know of your pregnancy. You and him hanged out in his room all the time this time when you were heading to his room you decided to tell him,

-You: H-hey.

-Asmo: what's wrong? Worrying will only give you wrinkles

He immediately stopped what he was doing and walked up to you,

-Asmo: hm?

-You: I'm p-pregnant.

You were still shaking in anxiety waiting for his response, he hugged your waist and smiled,

-Asmo: can you imagine another mini me, oooh we have to go shopping!

He was so excited, you felt relieved and hugged him back a few years of happiness escaping your eyes.

When you found out for yourself that you were pregnant you had to tell Beel. You looked around for him in the kitchen where he was snacking.

-You: H-hi.

He looked up at you,

-Beel: H-hey, what up? You look worried.

You sat beside him and looked around trying to find the right way to tell him,

-You: Beel, I'm p-pregnant.

You said meekly as you fiddled with your skirt,

-Beel: oh.

He stopped eating, the room went silent for a while before he finally spoke  up again,

-Beel: what do babies eat?

-You: Baby food, milk, liquid things.

-Beel: we should buy some.

You smiled a year escaping your eye, he smiled back at you and you hugged him.

You had found out earlier on the day that you were pregnant you had been trying to tell him all day but you had no idea how when he was always asleep. Now at night you laid beside him tossing and turning anxiously in his attic bed.

-Belphie: what's wrong why aren't you sleeping.

He questioned lazily,

-You: I-I need to t-tell you s-something

He immediately sat up and turned on a nearby lamp on the bedside table,

-Belphie: what is it?

-You: I-I'm pregnant.

The room went silent, you looked at him waiting for his response and hoping it would be ok,

-Belphie: I'm so happy.

He smiled a few tears rolling down his cheeks, you hugged him tight and he had his head against your stomach. You fell asleep feeling relieved. You noticed that Belphie started staying awake for more hours of the day.

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