Papercut (Satan x Reader)

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After getting acquainted with the brothers you took interest in reading, like Satan did . But you preferred borrowing books from Satan's shelfs rather than from the library , he didn't seem to mind so you'd come in an skim through a few books before picking one.

You had never really been a bookworm but it helped you get through exams, but, that wasn't the reason you were reading Satan's books. You were more interested in him than his library, you thought that if you showed interest in his hobbies he'd be interested in you. You had even realized that when he went out to buy new books, many of them weren't what he'd usually read and more of what you liked.

Maybe he's picking these out for me.

You thought to yourself, it was a possibility that he'd payed attention to your likes and thought of you when buying them.

As per usual you'd go in to his room to pick out another book and he'd be sitting at his desk reading one as well. Although for the past few days he noticed the increasing amount of bandaids in your hands. This day you had just finished another story and made your way to Satan's room. As you skimmed through some books, blood dripped from your index finger to the floor, a paper cut.

-You: Satan?

-Satan: Yes?

He looked up from the yellowish pages of the novel he'd been reading,

-You: Do you have a bandaid?

He got up and walked to the bathroom and back with a bandaid in hand,

-Satan: all of those bandais in your hands, are they paper cuts as well?

-You: yeah.

You admitted in shame that you had so many of them in such few days. He sat you down on his bed and placed the band aid on your finger,

-Satan: But there are so many?

-You: I'm kinda clumsy.

You chuckled nervously averting your look from his intense gaze on you,

-Satan: perhaps I should read to you instead.

You blushed profusely but nodded. He took the book from your hands and laid you down next to him. He began reading, his voice so soothing to your ears you couldn't help but feel calm. He didn't even realize it when you had fallen asleep in his chest but eventually he put down the book and kissed your forehead before hugging you closer and falling asleep.

Now every time you read with him it turned into a cuddle session. It was his favorite thing to do with you and slowly your hands were free of the bandaids.

The end

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