Pb- gorgeous (asmo x reader)

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A/n: in case you didn't read the previous chapter, I'm doing a prompt bingo, hence the Pb.
This one is "Asmo hypes up Mc"

F/c= favorite color

The fifth-born had dragged you shopping once again. Mammon had tagged along but found a chance to get money and quickly ditched you both.
At one if the many stores with colorful and extravagant pieces of clothing you found beautiful f/c jumpsuit.
Asmo encouraged you to try it on and you cheerfully did so. Making sure the cheeky demon wasn't peeking, you got undressed and tried it on.
It fit you nicely but... you started getting unsure. Asmo noticed you were taking way too long to come out and came in himself.

-Asmo: ooh y/n you look so beautiful, not more than me of course.

-You: you think so? I don't know, what if people stare at me weirdly.

He noticed your discomfort and lack of confidence and walked up behind you looking at you in the mirror,

-Asmo: trust me, you are beautiful.

Still unconvinced he continued on.

-Asmo: this color compliments your eyes and it fits nicely in your body, it looks great on you.

-you: yeah?

You looked up at him with a hopeful smile.

-Asmo: you might even be as beautiful as me.

He is heavily narcissistic so you knew that when he said that he really meant it.  You hugged him tightly and smiled.

-You: yeah, I look very pretty.

He offered to buy it for you and you happily wore it whenever you went out or even stayed in.

A/n: hey if you struggle with self-image just know that I'm here for you if you need someone to talk to or to hype you up.
The most beautiful part of us is our souls ^^
I know it sounds cringy but it's true
Love ya, have a cookie 🍪

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