{Angst} leaving for good pt 2

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Side characters edition, because... I'm a sadist who enjoys making my audience suffer 😎

Hey guess what the elusive author returns ready to write out your requests (to the best of my unmotivated self's ability)

Your stay at the devildom deeply affected him and he wished you'd stay forever but it was selfish to keep you from your own world.
The day set to be your last with your wonderous demon friends, he took you out to enjoy again every last bit of demonic culture making sure you had plenty of souvenirs. He had a fear which he buried below, that you'd forget all about them.
After a stalled goodbye he sat in his desk staring at a picture of the both of you with a teary eyed smile, there's no point being sad over it, it's not like it'd bring you back. He thought it better to focus solely on the memories made.

He kept complete composure. This doesn't mean, of course, that it hadn't affected him. He was distracted in his work and Diavolo took notice. So he was given a few days off to spend with you and you alone.
That time set out for the both of you was spent in idle conversations over tea, maybe strolls in the garden. This was so that both of you could feel like nothing out of normal was to happen. Almost as of time slowed just for you two.
But nothing that is sure can be avoided, you left and without a word he returned to his work, more distant but focused this time, trying to drown out the silence which usually would be replaced with your cheerful voice.

(For the sake of plot convenience just reverse the roles)
When he heard you had decided to move into the devildom with the brothers he set out to take you on a date.
But he knew he couldn't sweet talk you into changing your mind, you seemed happy at the hands of this devilish world and prying you out of there would be selfish of him. So he spent one day the way he'd like to have spent eternity with you.
At his departure you were the on with tearful eyes as he comforted you, of course he could come visit but the distance wasn't just physical it would slowly grow to be emotional too. You'd get used to depending on someone else and soon enough he wouldn't be the one anymore. And both of you were grieving the lost of a relationship that could have bloomed so beautifully had it been for different circumstances.

Simeon: (again roles reversed becus I felt like it)
He wasn't at all surprised when you announced you were moving into the devildom. He even smiled at you with his signature grin. Of course he felt melancholically at this but part of him felt a sense of peace, a peace for you who had finally found their place.
The day was spent at a carnival, Luke tagged along of course but the world outside of yours and his seemed blurred and distant. His presence was warm and you knew you'd miss that about him.
At his departure you were finally hit with the realization that, this is it. The bitter end. It felt emptier without him nearby, and he felt it too but he promised he'd always watch over you.

A year had gone by and the exchange student program was officially over. What a great long year it had been, but now it was time to go home. Luke being a child didn't comprehend it all at first and would often say things like "we should try out this recipe next week" only after feeling the pang of his words.
You had set out to make the last day of the only child you tolerate... I mean little angel 😇 a worthy day. Everything he had thought he would have more time to do with you was packed into one day and at the end celebrated with cupcakes.
Luke reminded you of a younger sibling and you had a sense of duty to protect as such, to make loss a little easier on him. And after a much dramatic goodbye... you'd get updates from Simeon on him, he never cut contact, I guess he hoped to see you again but it couldn't be denied that this was the end.

I think the saddest part of losing a friendship is how you can't help the lost of connection.

But uh anyways, tissues anyone? 🧻

Vote section is not happening this time, I procrastinated on requests again 😎

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