When it gets cold(scenario)

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Luci: you were walking home besides Lucifer after school when a breeze hit you and you noticed how cold it was.
Lucifer noticed you shivering,

-Lucifer: are you cold?

-you: N-no

You replied not wanting to trouble him, he simply sighed and took off his coat to put it over your shoulders.

-Lucifer: you're going to catch a cold if you dress up like that.

you smiled feeling much warmer as the two of you made your way home.

You were out shopping with Mammon when you suddenly felt cold, it was winter in the Devildom, as you started shivering Mammon looked over at you,

-Mammon: Oi you ok?

-You: it's c-cold

You shivered as you replied him, he took his jacket off and put it over your shoulders

- Mammon: here you can wear my jacket.

-You: r-really but what about you!

- Mammon: I am the great mammon! I'll never get cold you are a fragile human you're gonna get sick.

You thank him and smile at him he is looking away clearly blushing as you continue your shopping spree. To no surprise he gets a cold from not wearing a jacket and you have to take care of him.

It was a cold Saturday and no matter how many coats your wore you still felt cold. Levi has called you to watch anime with him, as you walked into the room and sat down beside him he notice your lips were purple.

-Levi: Y-Y/n are you ok?

-You: yeah I'm just feeling a little bit cold.
You say as you shiver. He gets up and pulls out a Ruri-Chan blanket putting it over both your shoulders as you cuddle to watch anime together. He was flustered by being so close to you and furiously blushing.

It was a cold afternoon and you had brought tea to Satan as he was reading.
He noticed how purple your lips were from the cold and told you to sit down on the bed next to him.

-Satan: hold on I'll get you a blanket.

You sat down beside him as he draped the blanket over your shoulders and sat beside you.

-Satan: would you like me to read a book to you as well?

You nodded feeling warmth inside your heart as you heard him narrate the book he had been reading.

It was winter in the Devildom when you woke up on a Sunday. Asmo barged into your room pleading you to come with him to the shopping mall

-Asmo: pleaseeee Y/n we need to buy the new winter collection!

You agree to go with him and he lends you one of his scarfs as you spend the day looking at the new winter clothes.

-Asmo:ooh this one matches your e/c eyes!

You spend the whole afternoon trying on clothes and have a lot of fun. After returning you're about to give him back his scarf when he tells you to keep it. You gladly keep it taking care to not get the scarf dirty or torn.

You were hanging out with Beel in your room when a cold breeze came through the window and you noticed just how cold it was. After closing the window Beelzebub noticed your shivering and offered his jacket to you.

-You: thanks!

It was adorably oversized on you but you felt much warmer.

-Beel: wait here I'll be right back.

He leva returning shortly with two cups of hot chocolate and many other snacks. You binge on snacks as you watch movies together e side by side.

You were in hanging out with Belphie in the attic, despite being the highest place on the house of Lamentation you still felt cold. You began to shiver,

-Belphie: you cold?

You nodded in response he then got up and picked you up.

-You: B-Belphie what are you doing?!

He doesn't reply just throws you in bed and lays down beside you covering both of you in blankets and then hugging you waist close to him.You blush as you were going to say something but he had already fallen asleep soon after you did the same falling asleep in his arms feeling warmer than before.

The end.

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