Need a change (Asmo x reader)

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A/n: As requested by @simpymcsimperton Asmo fluff

Hmm what a fitting username 👀 /j

Well since you've left me a margin for creativity, I decided that the general idea here is Mc going through a rough time and doing what unstable gays do best and changing their appearance with the help of Asmo

Lately it seemed like everything was spiraling away from its intended course and you were left to deal with the overwhelming consequences. This led to a fit of emotional exhaustion and in the pits of your stress an idea came to you.
This great idea was to change your appearance, why not? If you couldn't control what was happening around you at least you could gain a sense of being in the drivers seat through this.
You had done this before, quite often actually. Avidly would you act on impulse go after change, the sadder you were the bigger the change.
With a firmly set intention you headed to the fifth born's room to gather your supplies.

"Hey Asmo do you have any hair dye ?"

You didn't even bother knocking, to your relief he was fully clothed.
He took a single look at you and uttered

"Oh dear"

He knew exactly what you were doing when you came to his room looking like you hadn't showered in a week with the intent of dying your hair. You frowned at him

"What's that supposed to mean?"

He just shrugged,

"Come on"

Without a single ounce of hesitation he dragged you into his ambient bathroom. The smell of flowers seeped into your nose as you took in all the details, it was really a sight to behold.
Just then you were snapped back at several products being dumped into your lap.

"First let's take care of your skin darling"

He announced applying a cooled sheet mask onto your face. You were still getting used to the temperature change on your skin when he asked

"What color were you thinking of? Ooh we could paint your nails after to match your hair"

You smiled at him,

"How about (color of your choice)"

He nodded and began the process of bleaching your hair first, he could have just went to a hair salon with you, but he knew right now you just needed a thrill, you needed to get rid of all your worries and feel renewed. Asmo was always on board to a makeover, this one though, was special, because it was you. His heart fluttered thinking how you chose him during a time of your lowest of lows. And he told himself he'd do his best to put a big confident smile back onto your pretty face.

"Alright, and it's done, I love it Y/n ! You're almost as pretty as me"

After long, it was finally over and you were reborn into yourself again. The clock read 1 am and it was mutually decided that sleep was heavily needed. But you had a few things to say before you walked out the door.

"Thank you so much Asmo"

"Of course Y/n!! I'll always be happy to give you a makeover"

You paused for a second...

"Well it's not just that"

"Oh? Is there something else you'd like to tell me"

A mischievous grin sat on his face, you ignored it with a roll of your eyes,

"I was in a low place, and you were the one to help me out of that rabbit hole"

He listened intently as you went on,

"I knew I made the right choice coming for you, and I just need you to know I'm grateful"

He hugged you a relieved smile on his face,

" you're beautiful you know, maybe even more than me."

Confused and flustered at the newly forming sensation that came behind his words you were left with a blush spread across your face. You always saw Asmo in the role of a supportive best friend, or maybe even a caring sister. Now though, his words seemed to mess with your heart more.

"Can I stay a little longer?"

You uttered without second thought, he smiled and the rest of the night was spent cuddling ( 👀 strictly cuddling) .

This feels more platonic but I like it, I think this is one of my favorite chapter so far.

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