Gym session (beel x reader)

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Requested by @usakiynosequemas

A/n: yay I hope you like it have a cookie 🍪

After breakfast Beel approached you and asked if you would go to the gym with him. You gladly told him you'd do it, just imagining his muscles brought a blush to your face.
You got changed in the gym locker room and came out, Beel was already there... shirtless, you wiped the slight nosebleed from your red face,

-Beel: you ready?

You nodded a yes and followed him around the gym helping out with whatever he was doing.
When you guys took a break, he was covered in sweat, you offered to help clean up with a towel.
Your hand mere inches away from his chest only stopped by a towel, it made you blush of course to which he noticed and started patting down your face with the towel thinking you'd overheated.

-You: you're hot.

You blurted out of nowhere not realizing you'd said it out loud. He looked at you wide eyed and just smiled as you nervously looked away.

-Beel: you look hot too

He leaned in and kissed your rosy cheek, after that you two went to the snack bar and bought snacks since you were both hungry.
Then you went home feeling sore from all the workout.

The end.

A/n: I'm still getting back into it so sorry if it isn't good 😞

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