Angel's voice (simeon x reader)

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Requested by Rose_flower0114 I hope you like my Simpeon story 🙏

A/n: the art is not mine btw

After classes, before you headed home, you liked to go over to an empty corner of the rad. It was rather spacious and empty since no one ever went to that room. As far as you know it used to be a science lab but an incident occurred and it had since been forgotten.

This day you made your way to the room as usual. There, you'd sing, you felt comfortable singing with no one around. You were so entranced in your own voice that you didn't even hear the footsteps that approached quietly towards you,

-???: you have a lovely voice Y/n.

Your face burnt a bright red upon looking at the one who caught you. It was Simeon. You hid your beet-red face on your palms and stuttered,

-You: what are you doing here?

-Simeon: I heard a voice and came to see I thought it was an angel.

Your face burned even hotter. You sat down and hid yourself behind a pillar,

-Simeon: there's no need to be embarrassed, I'd actually like to hear your voice once more.

He smiled and sat beside you placing an arm over your shoulder,

-You: w-what?

-Simeon: would you sing for me y/n?

Now he was blushing, you looked at him wide-eyed but then moved to the other side of the pillar,

-You: fine.

You closed your eyes and sang to your hearts content. It felt like nice to have someone to sing to. When you finished your song you opened your eyes to see him crouched down in front of you,

-Simeon: are you sure you aren't an angel?

Your face turned bright crimson again and he chuckled planting a kiss on your forehead before getting up to leave,

-Simeon: I'll walk you home, shall we?

You got up and took his hand. Every time you came back to the secret room he'd be there waiting. And you'd sit around the pillar singing to him. He'd compliment you every time saying you've got an angel's voice.

The end

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