Their reaction to stupid nicknames

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This is the work of an idiot.

Lucifer: luci
Absolutely pissed but gives in eventually as long as the word doesn't leave your mouth around anyone else

Mammon: Mammoney
Flustered baby, blushes every single time you use the nickname. His brothers laugh which makes him even more flustered

Leviathan: Senpai
(Levi-Chan or Levi isn't unique anymore 😔)
Anime nosebleed, Nani?! His fantasies are coming true

Satan: Jesus
You did it as a joke, but it stuck. He's ready to smite you at any time you call him Jesus

Asmodeus: Whore
A friendly insult of sorts, he doesn't mind it he knows you mean it in a good way .

Beelzebub: beelzeburger
Thinks it's funny but gets hungry at the mention of burgers

Belphegor: bel
Uncreative much? You just shortened his name even more. Your excuse is that, like him, you're too lazy to come up with better.
Diavolo: princess
It makes him laugh, you came up with it after a specific sticker came across your DDD

Barbatos: Barbie (ofc)
Hates it, a powerful demon like him is being compared to a doll. Oh well, come on Barbie let's go party

Solomon: Salmon
You messed up his name once when rambling then proceeded to laugh about it for a solid minute. He was less then amused

Simeon: shoulders
Didn't understand at first but now he gets flustered knowing that you think his shoulders are hot.

Luke: chihuahua (again... ofc)
Pissed off like a little... chihuahua. Ah bullying children is a fun hobby

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