{Angst} leaving for good

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A/n: tw (loss)
What hurts more than grief? Having the person be alive and well but physically being unable to see them

Maybe projecting my own feelings here but it's usually like that anyways with angst.

So the idea is mc leaves the devildom for good, and this is the last goodbye.

He tried to keep happy on the departure day, for your sake. He doesn't want anyone to feel sorry for him.
On this day you were allowed to do quite literally anything you wanted, he took you places, bought you gifts, and even let you call him nicknames despite his ardent hatred for any form of shortening of his name... or so he says he hates it.
By the time it came to leave for good, realization hit you that this was indeed the last time you'd ever see him... you were in a fit of hot tears and he held you close to him until you couldn't stall it no longer.
Without you he grew quieter than usual not being so harsh on his siblings (mostly mammon) when they did something wrong.

Of course the great mammon wouldn't show his feelings in front of you, he's a tsundere after all. That's what you'd think but his feelings were quite intense about you and he couldn't keep the tears in.
You spent the day mostly comforting him until the last second of your time together was up for good. Then it was your turn to break down into his arms while he bashfully attempted to console you by running his fingers through your hair.
After you were gone and it hit him that he had lost you for good, he'd stay up late into the night crying himself to sleep. This of course lowered in frequency over weeks of getting used to the empty space of your absence but now and then he'll still cry about it.

He shuts himself in shielding his heart from the truth, he loves you but he can't bear to look at you when he knows it's going to be over soon. And it hurts him that he can't give you the support you need.
Eventually at arrival of your timely departure, he stops you right before you leave to give a heartfelt hug, something not commonly done by the 3rd born. Ann while looking down at his feet and not uttering a word.
After you're long gone he'll hug the pillows you loved the most because they smell like you and play the video games you both used to play together often to try and remember... what it was like for the first time.

No dictionary nor book could tell him what he was feeling. He'd read plenty of books to know this was a bitter end but it never hit him that this was in fact inevitable.
The whole day he spent it with you acting normal and trying to make you smile. But inside of him his heart ached at the hole that widened by the minute.
Once you left, he holed himself up in his room reading many a novels as an escapade to his hurtful situation. He didn't want to shed tears or feel sad about you leaving, he didn't want you to leave in the first place.

Heavily emotional and open about it he voiced in a series of whines how much he'd miss you. Sim very single word was true yet it still didn't feel like enough to make you understand just how much you affected him.
A few minutes before your departure he pulled you aside and told you in a low serious tone of voice just exactly how much he cherished you, never looking you in the eyes. Then he held onto your shoulders and placed his gaze directly to yours, genuine tears were streaming out his eyes.
After you were gone his mood seemed to jump a lot, he'd be cheerful as usual but only as a mask to hide how saddened he was by you absence. He didn't have his other half to adore and admire anymore and now nothing pleased him anymore

A different type of hunger was what Beel felt when he heard knees of you leaving for good. It was the sort of empty stomach no amount of food could fill.
You shared a wonderful last day with him, to the very last second he stood near you. His expression though seemed distant and cold as if to cope faith whats to come.
After you left he was most certainly significantly hungrier, but he didn't want to eat, no amount of food could fill the void . He wanted no treats or snacks he wanted you back.

Belphie looked unfazed, then again you'd never actually seen him cry before. It could be noticed though, how desperate he seemed.
The perfect last day was spent on a short shopping trip then a long nap in his arms. He clutched onto you knowing he'd never have you in his arms again if he let go. Unfortunately soon he'd have to let go.
After you were positively gone, he just went back to sleep or at least he tried to. The bed was colder without you and his arms emptier.
His mind running fast with memories of you it was no wonder he couldn't find peace to sleep again.

There's a word we say in Portuguese


It is the feeling of missing someone.

Anyways voting section with complementary tissues 🧻
Vote for my next chapter/decision:

- go see your damn therapist author-Chan


-ignore the fact that it's 2 am and write Disney movie special for Simeon

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