When you're gone part 2

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A/n:Side characters turn, again this is angsty and contains mentions of death so proceed with caution ⚠️


Diavolo came to visit you on a rainy day, he didn't even bother with an umbrella.

"Did you have fun Y/n?"

He asked, in the beginning of the year when you had transferred to the Devildom he said "let's make this a fun year". You were gone now but the least bit of comfort he could get was knowing you'd enjoyed their company.
Of course you couldn't answer his question, you laid six feet deep underground in a casket.
And above your grave laid flowers he'd left for you.

He removed his white gloves and placed a hand on the dirt where your body lay.

"I already knew this would happen so..."

He stopped for a moment, a few tear fell onto the dirt

"Why does it hurt so much"

Having the ability to look into the future meant he knew what would happen, he felt bad that there wasn't anything he could do to stop it.

He sat there staring at the name carved into stone Y/n.

"I wanted to spend more time with you"

He never got much time with you since the brothers were hogging all of your attention. He'd think when you both got back to earth you'd both have more time to spend together.
Now he could see you anytime he wants, alone or with company. He just wished it didn't have to be like this.

(A/n: so like, I'm guessing the celestial realm is kinda like heaven so let's just pretend the angels don't get to see mc after they die although I'd be going to hell anyways)

He brought you flowers and sat down in front of your grave saying a prayer.

"I always thought you might be an angel"

He hoped you'd still be around for longer, but your lifespan was much shorter than theirs.

"Maybe you'll turn into one and I can see you again"

He muttered softly, letting his tears roll down his cheeks.

He just sat there looking at the grave crying loudly as Simeon who'd brought him to see you looked at him concerned.

-Luke: don't leave us Y/n!

He kept sobbing, he left a single flower at the grave before running to Simeon who comforted him.

The end

A/n: 🥺 🥺 writing for Luke killed me, reminds me of when I was young.
In case you're crying as much as I am, here have a cookie 🍪 and a hug we need it.

Anyways as always requests are open, but the book is closing soon.
And have a great day

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