Detecive (satan x reader)

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A/n: sorta inspired in my last chapter, oh well.

Ever since your abrupt arrival into the devildom, you found yourself especially fond of one demon more than the others.
Your interest for books lined up and so began your friendship with the avatar of wrath. For such a title you'd expect him to be the personification of hell and chaos.
But he often showed his sweeter side, especially to you, you reminded him of a calico cat.
At least 2 months of friendship and suddenly you'd began to act... differently around him, always in a hurry and flustered as if you were trying to hide something from him. Your attempts at being discrete were a complete failure. One of your shared interests with the blonde genius was the love for mystery novels. He'd read every single series out there and you'd watched all the true crime videos you needed to successfully ...hide a body... I mean to understand the mind of a criminal.
So his investigation began, first he decided he needed to observe you, so he invited you to a cat cafe... where he proceeded to stare at you, the entire time. Your cheeks never blushed so hard.
And after carefully going through your things. He found messages shared between you and a close friend. Something along the lines of:

Y/n: Help!


Y/n: I'm sorta crushing on a demon...

Friend: ...

This friend of yours was aware of the exchange program. Upon gaining this information, all that Satan had to do now was find out who said demon was. How he found out your password? It was too easy, go change it.
Now it was the time for confrontation, he was determined to find out who it was, especially since he felt it odd you wouldn't tell him given you two are great friends.
So in an evening of usual reading in his room, he suddenly closed his book emitting a muffled thud noise. And looked at you , you snapped out of whatever trance you'd been in while reading the book and looked back at him.


"Yeah? You good?"

"Is there anyone you like?"

Your heart skipped a beat at that sentence and your cheeks flushed red.


"Judging by your reactions I believe that's a lie"

"W-well I.."

You were at a loss for words,

"You can tell me anything you know that"

"Well this might change everything"

He raise his eyebrow in confusion, assuming that you meant you'd spend less time with him.

"We'll still get to spend time together"

You sighed in frustration, he was so smart to figure out the first part, just a little bit more brain effort and he'd find you out.

"I cherish this friendship too much to do this"

"What do you mean? You'll just have to share your time between me and whichever one of my brothers it is you somehow like"

Then you shot him a look to which he understood what you meant, finally



He rose up from his seat and came near you

"I should've figured out sooner"

You laughed awkwardly whilst avoiding eye contact with him and fidgeting with your fingers endlessly.

"Well you aren't much of a detective yourself you know"


Your confusion was cut short by a kiss, you promptly returned it shutting your eyes longingly. After your body was left nearly breathless you sputtered a quick "I love you" to which he giggled at your flustered expression upon realizing the words that spilled out of  your mouth so effortlessly. Then you two decided to watch a new detective series while cuddling and pondered wether or not what had happened made you s couple.

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