When they walk in on you

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A/n: this scenario was requested by @thatonehornkene3bff
Hope you enjoy,
Sorry for the wait I've been on the road for a couple days now and didn't have stable connection

You'd just gotten home from RAD and were changing out of your uniform.
Suddenly your door swings open

"Y/n you're on cooki-"

He stopped himself when he saw you half-naked. You screamed when you saw him.

"I advise you lock your door next time"

He kept calm but you could still see a hint of red on his cheeks.
Then he excused himself closing the door behind him leaving you a flustered mess.

Mammon seemed to always be at your room, it wouldn't be surprising if his dumb self saw something he shouldn't have.
This day he convinced you to go out shopping with him, so you were getting dressed for your 'date' of sorts.
He came in a while later impatient about how long you were taking and...


"because I'm getting changed moron, OUT!"

He quickly left blushing redder than a tomato

You and Levi had went to a anime convention and bought some merch, you went in your room and started trying some stuff out.
But you accidentally grabbed one of Levi's bags and so he came looking for it

"Y/n i think you ha- EEEEHHH!?"

He froze on the spot a flustered mess while you covered up waiting for him to get out but he couldn't seem to process what fad just happened


You yelled snapping him back to reality, he ran back to his room like a telletubby screeching a thousand apologies. You teased him about it later.

As you were changing out of your uniform, the door creaked and there stood Satan, how long had he even been standing there?


He smirked and left calmly while you blush your cheeks off and mumbled insults against the blonde demon.
"Damn pervert"

After a long shopping trip with the one and only Asmodeus, you had a lot of clothes to mix and match in different outfits.
So you stood in front of your mirror and started undressing.
In the midst of it all you heard an all too familiar voice squeak

"Ooh y/n your body is beautiful!!"

He didn't even care for your lack of clothes, he seemed rather... used to this. He even walked in and got a little bit too touchy so you had to kick him out of your room by force.
You were more annoyed then flustered at this.

During the weekend Beel asked to take you out for lunch and Hell's Kitchen. You of course said and were now getting dressed for it.
Then the door opened slightly

"Y/n is it okay if Belphi- ah I'm so sorry"

He blushed and averted his eyes from you, you forgave him and asked him to wait outside, he did feel guilty about it but you could also notice the blush never left his face throughout the whole lunch

You were fatigued after a long day at school and really just wanted to sleep.
You we're changing out of your uniform when Belphie walked in on you accidentally.


He looked at you, smiled and then plopped down on your bed, you kept starring for a while being confused.

"I'm not looking"

You finished getting dressed and joined him for cuddles
Let me know if you want the side characters too and maybe a reverse situation?? Like you walk in on them
Luv ya have a 🍪

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