Drunken confessions

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POV: mc gets drunk

You come home late from a party you sneaked out to, you're wasted, the room is spinning as you're trying to sneakily go up the stairs. Shoes in hand you go up to your room where you find Lucifer standing with his arms crossed.

-You: uh oh

You drop your shoes to the floor he stared at you.

-You: Hi LuUuci

-Lucifer: Y/n are you drunk?

-You: what?! No I am NoT dRuNk

He sighs, takes your hand and drags you down to the kitchen, sits you on a stool and gives you a cup of water,

-Lucifer: drink.

You oblige, after two cups you pass out on the kitchen counter. He sighs again and picks you up carrying you back to your room and tucking you in bed.
Before leaving the room, he looks back at you as you you sit up,

-You: I LooOvE yYou LuCiiI

He looks surprised but even though you're back asleep he still responds with a loving,

Lucifer: I love you too Y/n.

When you came home late after a party, you looked at your phone and saw many messages from Mammon asking where you were and angry emojis. You sat in your bed and typed a reply,

You: I Was out pa ytimh


You: prratyy!

Manmon: Y/n are you drunk?

You: Nnooo

You heard nocking at your door, it was mammon with a cup of water in his hand

Mammon: oi stupid human getting drunk, lucifer's gonna kill ya if he finds out you were at a party ya know!

You drink the cup of water he gives you and put the empty cup down. You stare at him for a while,

Mammon: oi w-what are ya doing?

He blushes,

You: YouU kKnow, YyOu're Sooo pReety.

Mammon: Even if you praise me I ain't got nothing for ya.

He blushes averting his gaze to not make eye contact with you. You're both seating on the floor facing each other,

You: You KnOw I loVVveEe YoU.

You say leaning closer before passing out grabbing at his shirt. He picks you up and tucks you in bed,

Mammon: I love you too.

He whispers before leaving you with a sweet kiss on the cheek.

You were making your way to your room in a drunken haze. You twist the door knob and walk in.

-Levi: Y/n what are you doing in my room?!

-You: WwhaAt dDo yYoUu mEeaAn I ThHooUght thIis WaaS Myyy RoooMm!

-Levi: are you drunk?

-You: WwHaaTt? NnO!

-Levi: I'll get you water stay here.

He left but when he came back he found you passed out on the floor hugging his body pillow,

-Levi: ahh Y/n wake up! I brought you water, here drink it.

He hands you the cup of water, you lift your head and take a sip.

You: ThHaaAnks LeEvI I LooOvVe YoU.

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