Shy reader part 2

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Despite being more comfortable around the demons you were still jumpy, you missed home and the human world.
One afternoon while you were in your room, the brothers were in Lucifer's private office hidden in the library,

-Lucifer: I've called this meeting to discuss about Y/n.

You realized how quiet it was in the house of Lamentation and decided to look around.

-Lucifer: Diavolo isn't happy about them running away and being unhappy.

You walked through the corridors and into many rooms before hearing voices in the library,

-Lucifer: we need to make sure they don't run away and enjoy their year here with us.

You pressed you ear against a shelf and heard Lucifer's voice,

-Lucifer: So stay around them and make sure they don't run away.

-Mammon: can't we just send them back I mean that's what they want.

-Levi: yeah choose a better human I don't want to have to babysit some dumb normie.

You had just began to trust them and now they wanted you gone, you didn't know how to feel because in one hand you wished to leave but in the other you had started to like them and wanted to stay.
You left for your room a gloomy expression on your face and fell asleep for the rest of the evening while they still talked amongst themselves,

-Lucifer: No, they are just homesick we need to make them feel at home.

-Asmo: Yeah, and their so shy its sooo cute.

You didn't attend dinner and the brothers didn't wake you up assuming you were just tired. You cried feeling confused and not knowing what to do.
Next morning when you were about to leave for school after breakfast someone grabbed your wrist and turned to face you,

-Mammon: Oi human, I'll walk with ya to school.

You looked at him dumbfounded as he continued,

-Mammon: you should be grateful the Great Mammon is walking you to school.

-You: Ok, thank you.

You said under your breath as the both of you walked to school.
When you got back you got pulled aside again,

-Levi: H-hey, come play video games with me.

You had no time to answer as he pulled you into his room and gave you a controller, you had a lot of fun and became closer with Levi as you had a shared interest for video games and anime.
After you left his room you were going to take a shower, opening the door you screeched in surprise only a towel covering your body as asmo stared into your mirror,

-Asmo: ah there you are, come let's do face masks.

He sat you down in front of him and applied the substance to your face, it smelled like roses and cherries,

-Asmo: give me your hands, ooh you have such pretty nails, I'll paint them for you.

After a long night of pampering yourselves he finally left and you went to bed feeling more confused then ever as to what was happening. You ignored it and went to sleep.
Next morning was a Saturday, you headed downstairs for breakfast and met with Beel,

-Beel: Ah Y/n try this snack.

He shoved a sweet treat in your mouth,

-You: mm, good.

You mumbled to yourself before being pulled out of the kitchen to face another demon,

-Satan: Y/n accompany me to the library won't you?

-Asmo: No way they are going to the mall with me.

-Levi: not fair, I just bought a new game to play with Y/n.

-Mammon: the human is my responsibility so I will go out with them.

Suddenly the were circling you fighting for your attention, you felt dizzy,

-Lucifer: Enough, what's going on?

The room went silent before erupting into a argument again, the two demons at your side grabbed your arms, your head was spinning.

-Satan: surely you'll choose to spend time with me right?

-Levi: what, no way.

-Mammon: Oi human ya better choose me.

-Asmo: no me me me!

You looked around you and screamed before fainting from the dizziness.
When you woke up at your bed they were all around you with concerned looks on their faces,

-You: W-what happened?

They explained what had happened and you thought he for a while before speaking again,

-You: but I thought you all wanted me gone.

-Lucifer: What do you mean?

-You:I heard you guys talking about replacing me with a less shy human.

They looked at each other before speaking again,

-Lucifer: Sorry you overheard that part but we aren't going to replace you.

-You: You aren't

-Mammon: of course not, we were talking about how to make you feel less homesick, not like I care or anything.

-Beel: Yeah we're sorry.

-Satan: we really like having you around I hope you decide to stay.

-Levi: You have to, you're my player 2.

You looked wide eyed at them before smiling,

-You:I like it here too I don't want to leave.

They smiled before collectively hugging you.
Life in the house of lamentation was much better now, even though you missed your mom, this place felt like home and the demons felt like family.

The end

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