Happy Birthday!

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POV:it's mc's birthday

Requested by LuisaSK

A/n: I'm just gonna put it out there, fuck gender norms! I wrote this including the clothing Mc would wear but just know that anyone can wear whatever they want and if it's not your style imagine it as something you'd wear. 💁‍♀️

In the afternoon, Lucifer asked you to come over to his room. When you got there he was leaning against his desk a mountain of paperwork behind him and something else. He smirked at you,

-Lucifer: happy birthday y/n.

You smiled at him and rushed over to hug him. He hugged you back and from behind his back he pulled out a box. The box had a ribbon on it, you untied it and opened the box to see a gorgeous necklace with your f/c gem embedded into it,

-Lucifer: wear it to dinner with me.

-You: but what about your work

-Lucifer: that can wait, you are much more important to me.

You went out to dinner with Lucifer wearing your gift around your neck and matching dress. This restaurant had an area for dancing where Lucifer held you close to him and swayed around to the music.

You were asleep in the morning before breakfast on a Saturday  when Mammon burst in,


You jolted up in surprise and saw him seated at your side. You hugged his waist tightly,

-You: Thank you!

He blushed profusely but hugged you back anyways. He waited at your door for you to get dressed. After you got out of your room he dragged your hand and took you out shopping. You walked for hours on end hand in hand stopping at a few shops and looking at items but never buying anything since both of you were very broke. You passed through one store and in the window saw a beautiful bracelet. Mammon saw your disappointed look when you walked away and when you sat down for lunch he left returning shortly with a box in hand. You opened it, it was the beautiful bracelet with f/c gems in it,

-You: B-but wasn't it expensive.

-Mammon: oi stop complaining I'd do anything for ya!

You looked up at him and hugged him, he realized what he'd said and blushed a crimson red on his cheeks while stuttering excuses to you. You put the bracelet in and linked arms as you went home.

Levi had sent you text asking you to come over. You did, he told you to sit down and handed you a controller. He was blushing and holding something behind his back,

-You: what's that?

-Levi: H-happy birthday Y/n!

He handed you a video game disc with a ribbon on it. It had no name, no picture. You took the ribbon out and put the game in,

-You: play with me?

You handed him the controller. The screen lit up and it showed two characters,

-You: that's us!!

He giggled at your excitement, the it was an adventure game and at the end a message showed up "congratulations, you may borrow any manga from Levi anytime today". You hugged, he had made you a game. He blushed but hugged you too.

You opened the door to your room with your back as your hands were full with a jacket and your bag. You were going out to do lunch with Satan as a special treat for your birthday. As you pushed walked backwards out the door you stumbled into him and looked up,

-You: Hi!

-Satan: let's go?

You nodded and took his hand. He took you to a small cafe and book store. You sat by an open window, the wind blowing at your hair. After eating you browsed through the restaurant's library for a good book while Satan payed the bill. After getting out he held a box to you which you quickly opened,

-Satan: happy birthday Y/n.

You blushed, it was a book but it was special because he had written it himself. Pages filled with memories and memoirs of the both of you. You hugged it tight to you and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

You came over to Asmo's room as he requested you to through a text message. His room was filled with bags of clothes,

-Asmo: ahh there you are!!

He dragged you in and handed you a bag. It had a bathing suit in it,

-Asmo: Try it on we're going to a spa!

You put it on, it fit you well, but you pondered over how he knew your size. He dragged you to a luxurious spa, there you had manicures, pedicures and a dip in a private hot tub. You were blushing intensely at his proximity to you but you enjoyed every moment of it,

-Asmo: happy birthday!!

You hugged him, he smirked and hugged you back.

Upon descending into the kitchen by Beel's request you found yourself standing besides an incredibly tall cake. It was beautifully decorated with pastries and sprinkles and behind it was Beel,

-Beel: happy birthday y/n, have some cake.

You cut a piece and savored it, it was sweet. Beel looked at you with puppy eyes his stomach grumbling,

-You: you want a piece?

-Beel: Really? Wait no I shouldn't, I made it for you, you should eat it.

He protested but you shoved a piece in his mouth. He blushed then smiled proud that he had made such a delicious cake for you. He then kissed you tinging your mouth with sugar. You blushed profusely at his sudden gesture but then hugged him.

You heard a knock at your door and upon opening up you saw the youngest brother lazily holding his signature pillow,

-You: Belphie?!

He walked in and hugged you,

-Belphie: happy birthday Y/n.

You hugged him back,

-You: thank you so much!

You smiled widely, he gave you a bag with a ribbon on top. You opened it up it was a cute f/c plushie. You hugged it tight to you your face beaming with happiness.

-Belphie: try it out.

You laid down and felt drowsy, as he was about to leave you pulled on his sleeve and hid the blush on your face with your new gift,

-You: I'd rather hug you instead.

He grinned and laid down next to you cuddling you tight to his chest.

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