Nightmares (Belphie x reader)

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You often slept with Belphie in the attic, but this night something strange happened.
You were both asleep in bed when you woke up, or so you thought, it was dark and in front of you was Belphie just a bit far away. You began to walk over there before running as the distance only felt larger. When you finally reached him you put a hand on his shoulder, and looked at what he had been staring at, it was you, but you were dead.

How is this possible?

You thought to yourself, you looked over at Belphie just staring at you his eyes dark and tears pouring out if them.

Is this a dream?

You became aware that this was a lucid dream.

-You: Belphie?

He turned to you and was about to grab you when you woke up in a jolt panting and dripping in cold sweat. Much to your surprise Belphie was also up and in the same state you were. You looked at each other,

-Belphie: did you also have that nightmare.

-You: Y-yeah.

He hugged you assuring it was ok and you went back to sleep. You didn't experience any more dreams that night.
The next day when you were alone with him you contemplated,

-You: Hey maybe we should talk about that nightmare.

-Belphie: Why?

He said lazily laying down on your lap,

-You: I forgave you after you... you know-

-Belphie: killed you.

He said with slight anger in his tone,

-You: does it still bother you?

-Belphie: Maybe,

He didn't say anything else, he just started to nap in your lap as you thought to yourself how to make him know that it's ok.
Many more nights passed and the nightmare replayed itself every single time you went to sleep together.
Today you decided that you had to solve the problem, all those restless nights didn't do you any good. Every time you tried to bring the subject up, Belphie avoided it, so you thought you'd confront him during the nightmare.
You went asleep that night and got sent to the same dark place. You hastily made way to Belphegor, when you got to him you hugged him from behind and spoke to him,

-You: It's ok now, I'm here.

He continued to stare at your bloodied corpse but you refused to let go of him,

-You: it's not your fault, I don't blame you for what happened.

Your words seemed to do little to improve the situation. Having been through the dream many times you knew that it would end soon so you had to make haste.

You: Belphie, I love you!

Your last attempt at ending the treacherous dream for good, Belphie seemed to listen to you this time, he turned around, his eyes were no longer dark.
You both fell to your knees and he hugged you back,

-Belphie: I know, I'm sorry.

-You: it's ok.

You consoled him combing through his fluffy hair with your fingers. You closed your eyes and suddenly woke up to see Belphie peering over you.
When you looked at him a blush erupted on his face and he broke eye contact.

-Belphie: I love you Y/n.

He said planting a sweet kiss on your lips before falling back asleep with you in your arms. The nightmare was over but you'd still often lay see him in your dreams.

The end

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