Pride month special

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It's pride month!! Let's celebrate the lgbtq+ community
Because love is love.
And we're all valid

So for this one I made a scenario with all the bois 😌
This prompt is "coming out as Y/s and/or Y/gi"

Y/s will be used to indicate your sexuality
And Y/gi for your gender identity

I understand not everyone applies to both of these so they will be written as "Y/s and/or Ygi"

Ok a bit confusing but it's the best I could come up with

You'd been living at the house of lamentation for a while now,
None of them knew you were Y/s and/or Y/gi this made you a bit nervous.
You hated the thought of being treated differently for being 'different'.
It didn't feel right hiding this part of you though, you considered them some of your greatest friends.
So you mustered up your courage and gathered everybody and stood in front. Them gathering your thoughts while they patiently waited for you to finally come out with it.
Stared like daggers at you everything seemed cloudy as you tried your best just to breathe.

Mammon: "Oi human, get on with it your wasting my time and time is money"

Levi: "and I need to get back to my room so I can finish watching TSL"

Luci: "shut it, the both of you Y/n has something important to say"

You thanked Lucifer, this was truly important to you.
You breathed in and calmed your nerves,

You: "so, the reason I umm called everyone here is that I wanted to tell you guys something really important"

Asmo: *gasp* you're cheating on us?!

Satan: you murdered someone and need help hiding the body?

Beel: you want help eating a giant sub?

You: none of these!! I do not have any food on me, I'm not even dating any of you and I haven't killed someone... yet.

Belphie: than what is it?

You breathed in, this is the last attempt your gonna make at this.

You: I'm Y/s and/or Y/gi...

The room was filled with a bit of an awkward silence as no one knew exactly what to say.

Asmo: ... knew it

You: 🤡

Simeon: love is love and you should be proud of who you are

He gave his signature smile and Luke nodded like a chihuahua wagging its tail. thank goodness for the angels ,finally a proper response you could almost cry.
The next moments were filled with celebrating you and also stupid questions coming from the moron himself.

Dia: I'm glad you felt comfortable telling us and we all still love you just the same.

Seriously, you were gonna tear up. It was stressful enough answering each one of mammon's dumb questions, do not cry now
Oh no
Your crying
Now it's turned into an awkward group hug...
This is fine
Hugs are nice right.
On that note....
I'm pan 🤠 this is me coming out
Mostly questioning but am Pan-sexual

Can I get a group hug too?

Right, I hope this isn't as cringy as I feel it is, lemme know

Now then goodbye
Updated: not that anyone cares I don't think but I'm pan and demigirl, my pronouns are she/they ✨

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