Pt 2 when they accidently hit you

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Diavolo :
Diavolo had a passion for 'pranking' the house of lamentation. But at some point it backfired and you got caught up in the mess. He felt terrible afterwards and promised not to tease the boys anymore with his plots and events.
You encouraged him to continue and told him it was a mere accident. Lucifer was not happy of you saying that. At least Diavolo felt better
He invited you over for tea as a sort of formal apology and made sure your wounds healed nicely and didn't discomfort you at all.

This was a bit of a shock, Barbatos seemed distracted in his work which was probably the cause of this accident.
You were over at the castle for some tea and idle chatter with the prince of devildom. Afterwards you decided to help Barbatos clean up the table.
Though, while walking into the kitchen with teacups in your hands you bumped into him. The teacups shattered right there in your hands leaving gnarly cuts.
You whines while he carefully removed the shards, later on he apologized and refused to let you help him pick up the broken shards in fear you'd hurt yourself again.

This, of course, happened because of one of Solomon's experiments. He had a knack of dragging you into trouble. Today it backfired in form of an explosion led by a single mistake in wording. It sent you flying to the wall, you had nothing more than a concussion. Fair to say you weren't necessarily happy with the sorcerer. Even when he tried giving you things to help with your headaches, you refused them scared of getting sent flying again.
Nowadays you laugh about it but he still harbors guilt over the situation.

Simeon is quite literally an angel. He wouldn't hurt you even if he had the capability to do so. At least not intentionally.
While walking back home from RAD holding hands, he seemed in a rush and had been practically dragging you behind him. So naturally you ended up stumbling, one time a bit too hard which led to your face meeting the floor a scraped knee.
He carried you home the rest of the way and once you were home he calmly took out a kit and tended to your wound. Later he apologized for getting too carried away.

You two were baking a new cake recipe that Luke had found, everything was going quite nicely. You were busy whipping the frosting so Luke went to take the cake out of the oven. When bringing the hot pan back to the counter he accidentally bumped into you causing a burn to form on your arm. He started crying and apologizing profusely while you ran cold water on the area.
Someone heard all the commotion and had to come console Luke as trying to explain to him it was an accident was no use right now. Later on though, you too enjoyed some cake together and forgot about the whole thing.

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