Manhattan College for the Esteemed

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"Remember to say hi to Professor Flint for me", your snobby big sister muttered as she got into the limo after your parents.

"Sure will", you replied pulling your most respectful face.

Today was the day you moved into Manhattan College for the Esteemed, your family didn't even help they just left you on the sidewalk with a bunch of boxes filled with your stuff. They always seemed to look down on you, expecting you to follow in your sisters footsteps. Unfortunately you weren't academic, this was the reason they forced you into coming this college, to watch you fail the family so miserably. Every single one of your family members had come to this college and gained a degree in Business, this is what kept your great grandfathers legacy alive.

The minute you reached your dorm, you pulled out your phone and texted the group chat. Due to similar backgrounds, your friendship group from high school were coming to the same college. This school was known as where the 'rich kids' go, so it made sense that literally all of your friends applied to study here as well as you. They all came from wealthy families and were expected to become successful in the future. Suzy had applied to be your roommate for freshman year, she was one of your closest friends, followed by Aspen. 

To All: Hey i've just got to my dorm, where are you all?

Aspen: Traffic, be there in 10!

Suzy: Just getting my keys now :)

Winston: Shit

Winston: What time is it?

Jaymie: Check your phone screen dumbass, its 1pm

Winston was your on and off boyfriend of two years. On and off due to the constant cheating he does, Aspen can't even count the amount of times they've caught him. Your friends have told you too many times to break up with him, but you always got back together. You loved him, but you felt like an absolute idiot for it. Jaymie is his best friend, he's such a douche. If there was a reason for Winston cheating on you, it was because of him.

The door flung open and in came Suzy, she reached her arms out and gave you a squeeze. The way the sun fell on her face through the window, it accentuated her honey toned skin. Everyone said you were the prettiest of the friendship group, but you always admired Suzy's curly hair and summer dresses. She was the prettiest by far.

"Hey queen! I can't believe we made it to college!", she said with a huge smile wiping over her face.

"I know right! Imagine the parties!".

"No parties missus! You're studying you ass off this semester".

"But you know me... I can't go a day without a sip of alcohol, blame my idiotic family", you said plopping onto the bed behind you.

"Oh yeah, how were they today? I bet you're so happy you're out of that toxic apartment".

"Well it went better than I expected, if better is them leaving me on the goddamn sidewalk!".

"Oh no they did not!"

"Sure did, I just wanna get loose after this mornings events."

High school treated you badly, well more like your irresponsible tendencies. When you were at home you were miserable, but when you were at school you had the pressure of your parents expecting you to be getting impecable grades. Hence why you went off the rails, and still are. You spent most of high school intoxicated or higher than the Eiffel tower. Turning to drugs and parties was what got you through high school to be honest. Oh and the countless nights you would stay up until 4am cramming for an exam the next day. You didn't get the best grades, but your families reputation is what got you into this top notch college.

Professor Stan -  Yes SirWhere stories live. Discover now