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You both skipped dinner that evening, both falling asleep on the couch in his library. Sebastian woke up and found himself cuddled next to you with a book on his lap at 3am. Taking in this precious moment, he stroked his fingers through your hair. Suzy and Aspen would always pick on you for sleep talking and how you would drool. To him, you looked so adorable when you slept.

Thinking you would both be comfier in bed, he tried his best not to wake you up whilst getting off of the couch. He used his strength to lift you up, you mumbled something in your sleep, he found it precious. Still asleep in his arms, he carried you to his bedroom, tucking you in bed, then rolling in beside you. Wanting to be close to you, he scooted up so he was spooning you, wrapping his arm around your waist.


You woke up around 10am, feeling disassociated, forgetting that you were at his apartment, although he wasn't lay beside you. You didn't even know how you fell asleep in the first place, and how you somehow teleported to his bed from the library. All you could smell was coffee and something cooking in the kitchen. He heard your groans as you rubbed your eyes, trying to wake your sleepy self-up.

"Good morning little one", he peeked his head around the door with a cup of coffee in his hand, handing it to you as he sat down on the bed

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"Good morning little one", he peeked his head around the door with a cup of coffee in his hand, handing it to you as he sat down on the bed.

"Good morning handsome", you replied taking a sip from the mug.

He reached over and cupped your chin, pulling you in for a kiss. You had never had this much affection given to you before. This was going to be the best weekend ever.

"I've cooked you breakfast, would you like it in bed?".

"Mmm yes please", you licked your lips, hungry as ever after skipping dinner last night.

He walked back in a few minutes later, holding two plates in his hands. He had cooked you a full English breakfast, you were surprised at how well it was done, nothing was burnt. Playing some music in the background, he stuck with classic oldies hits like Hungry Eyes by Eric Carmen and I Was Made For Loving You by Kiss. He bobbed his head around whilst stuffing his mouth with bacon and egg, clearly enjoying his Saturday morning. You just giggled at how goofy he was, a new side of him you had never seen before.

When you were both done, he grabbed your plates and headed to the kitchen. You waddled after him, watching his every move. Coming up behind him whilst he washed the dishes, you wrapped your arms around and cuddled him. Without and hesitance, he swivelled round and picked you up, placing you on the kitchen counter. It reminded you of last night, but this time it was more loving than sexy. He kissed you with passion, being careful with you, knowing that you were exhausted.

He continued doing the dishes whilst you had a look around his place, then heading for a shower. Once he was done, he joined you. taking his time to wash you, whilst also taking in your body. Every now and then you would kiss for a while, not in a sexual way, but passionately. He washed your hair, laughing at the bubbles that clouded your head. This would be a moment to cherish forever.

"What do you want to do today?", he asked whilst getting out of the shower, passing you a towel.

"Can we just chill all day? I have few movie recommendations... and maybe I can cook you dinner later?", you smiled, drying your hair with the towel.

"That sounds wonderful... I can't wait".


The day was pretty slow, but you were glad to spend it with Sebastian. You had both been fully engrossed with each other for hours now. Cuddled on his sofa, you watched the first two Avengers movies, something Aspen got you into a few years back. Sebastian wasn't really a movie buff, he stuck to books, but he liked the Marvel movies you chose. Wanting to watch more of them soon.

For the first time today, you grabbed your phone, noticing it was on 10%. Also noticing you had 30 messages and 15 missed calls from Suzy and Aspen.

From Suzy: Hey where are you?

From Aspen: Wanna hang tonight?

From Aspen: Suzy said you haven't come home... where are you?

From Suzy: It's 10pm, WHERE ARE YOU!

From Aspen: We're worried now Y/N


From Suzy: Are you safe? Are you alive? Helllooooooo

"Fuck", you muttered to yourself, catching Sebastian's attention.

"Is everything okay doll?".

You started pacing around the apartment, not knowing what to do. He became worried, you looked stressed but for what reason.

"I didn't tell Suzy I would be gone this weekend".

"Suzy?", he tilted his head to the side.

"My best friend, she's my roommate... what the fuck do I tell her?".

You paced faster, chewing your lip. You couldn't exactly tell her that you were at your Professors apartment in the city. She was expecting a reply sooner or later, but you had absolutely no clue what to tell her.

"Erm... maybe say that you are visiting a friend in the city? Maybe that girl from the coffee shop?", Sebastian proclaimed.

"Good idea".

Taking your phone once more in your hand. You typed out your response.

To Suzy, Aspen: Hey guys, sorry i've been with an old friend in the city. Remember Riley from school? I bumped into her the other day she invited me to stay at hers for the weekend. Was too caught up in conversation I forgot to go on my phone. Sorry for the late reply. You can relax now, i'm safe.

Their replies flooded in immediately.

From Suzy: Oh thank god! Glad your safe, keep me updated <3

From Aspen: Thanks for responding eventually 😂 have fun

You lay back on the sofa, feeling at ease that they wouldn't ask any more questions. Hopefully they won't bump into Riley in the city. That would be hella awkward. Sebastian took you in his arms, making you feel all loved again. He played with your hair.

"So how about we watch the next Avengers movie?", he giggled.


Note: Sorry for the short and rushed chapter guys, i've had a busy day and i'm so tired. I needed to get you guys a chapter though, sorry if its bad haha.

Love u all <3

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