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You spent most of the night with him, lounging around in his office, watching him get on with his work. Sitting across from him, you typed away three more chapters of your short story, trying to remain silent so he could concentrate. He loved the company, even though you were getting on with your own thing. It was the fact you both had a passion for English that made one understand the other. Even though he was marking peoples essays, you knew he enjoyed seeing others perspectives on a piece of literature. He quite enjoyed marking, mainly the brightest students in his class, but the troublesome kids he hated reviewing their work. He could tell they hadn't put any effort in and probably did it five minutes before class started. 

Sebastian understood your love for the subject, as it reflected throughout your work. You were the brightest student in his class, no doubt about it. It took a little work to get you where you are now, but you were thankful he boosted your confidence a lot more. The short story project had only been going on for about a week now, but you were halfway done. Sebastian loved to watch your little face as you wrote, the concentration as your fingers pressed over the keyboard, typing away to your hearts content.

He walked you to your dorm building, being sure to be careful, incase anyone noticed. No one did. You arrived back in your room with a smile from ear to ear. Suzy was already fast asleep, being that it was 12am, glad because she would be asking you all sorts of questions. You had spent all night with him, feeling overjoyed with happiness. Having only one class tomorrow, at 2pm to be exact, you had a shower then cuddled yourself up into bed. Letting the sheets glide over your freshly shaved legs. The best feeling ever.

You didn't mind staying up late, you could lie in bed most of the day tomorrow anyway. Pulling out your laptop from your bag, closing Microsoft Word, you didn't need to write anymore tonight. Giving yourself a break. You opened up Disney Plus and put on a Marvel movie. Ant-man. Guaranteed to make you laugh.

Your top three Marvel movies were: Ant-Man, Black Panther and Captain America - The Winter Soldier. To be honest it was hard to pick favourites, they are all so good. Ant-Man was definitely your comfort movie though.  

Feeling sleepy about halfway through the film, you shut your laptop, putting on the nightstand beside you. Getting all warm and cosy in the sheets, whilst your eyes drifted off into a land of dreams.


From Sebastian: Sweet dreams, thanks for making my evening 🤍


The next morning, Sebastian drove to work in a hurry. He had classes all day today, 9am - 5pm, then he had two meetings after work. His first two lessons dragged, he had no energy. Your sex yesterday left you both completely exhausted.

By the time it hit break, he practically ran to the staff room to grab a cup of coffee. It was filled with the staff of the English, Maths, Business and History department. Seeming like everyone was feeling the same way, completely exhausted after a very long week. The coffee machine was being used by almost everyone, all crowding around it like crazy people. Sebastian grew bored of waiting and ordered a coffee to be delivered, he rarely did this as most coffee shops won't deliver to schools.

He lounged about on the couches for a while, seeing if you had replied to his text yet. You hadn't. He just gathered that you were still asleep, knowing your schedule off by heart now, knowing you didn't have class until 2pm.

Before he could move up, another teacher sat beside him on the couch, rather too close for his comfort. Professor Matthews from the Maths department. Him and Sebastian didn't talk much but they exchanged a few smiles down the corridor. The staff room grew quiet as staff began to return to their next lessons.

"Hey man, can we talk?", the man questioned.

"Sure, whats up?", Sebastian replied, pulling a confused face.

They don't even work in the same department, what did he need to talk about. Help with the photocopier? Technical issues? Or did he just want a friend to talk to. A friend. Something that Sebastian was not.

Professor Matthews leaned over to Sebastians ear, whispering, "I heard shit going down in your office late last night..."

Sebastian grew silent, face turning as red as a tomato. 

"I know the chicks here are hot but it's against college policy to fuck on campus, who was it? Professor Willows? Or was it Professor Bernard... she's pretty hot, I don't blame you man".

The fucking idiot thought he was fucking another teacher? He hated the way this man spoke about women, as if they were objects. But thank goodness he didn't think it was a student. How much trouble you both would be in then.

"Fuck.. hey I thought everyone went home, I don't kiss and tell, just don't tell anyone okay?", the tone in Sebastians voice was almost dark, angry.

"No problem dude, just thought i'd tell you incase the dean heard", Professor Matthews walked off giving Sebastian a wink.

He was frustrated, the man pissed him off. The type of jerk who was captain of the football team in high school, the way he used slang instead of actual words, it drove Sebastian crazy. Thank god it was him rather than anyone else though. Most of the other teachers would have reported it straight away. 

Lucky save.


Authors Note: Sorry for the short chapter, I have the WORST cold ever! I feel so ill and I have work in 20 mins arghhhhhh! I'm literally going to do a flip off of a fucking building. Jokes :)

I'll probably write a longer chapter tomorrow because i'm free allllll day.

Chapter idea creds to: @dylanreuben18 TYSM!

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