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(Both hands on the phone people 😏)

Classes had dragged all day, no wonder, all you could think about is seeing your professor in detention later. How could you go from hating someone so much to literally thinking about them every second of the day? Any normal person would be pissed if they got detention, but you couldn't help yourself, you wanted it so badly.

On the other hand, you also began to overthink. What if this is just something i've made up in my mind? What if he doesn't feel the same way? What if he's just being a kind professor? Cautious in case the feelings weren't mutual.

You planned to go back to your dorm before heading to his detention, fixing your outfit to make it look skimpier and sexier, layering on some makeup and re-doing your hair. If he really did have feelings for you, you needed him to show it, so you didn't make a fool out of yourself. Maybe this would catch his attention.

Meanwhile, Professor Stan was thinking of you also

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Meanwhile, Professor Stan was thinking of you also. How to talk to you, how to approach you and what he wanted to do to you. Time was rolling slow for him too, he was drowned in papers to mark, but all he could think about is you walking through that door.


"Is this the room for detention?", you muttered, looking around, seeing no one in there.

Before you could walk off, you felt a hand graze upon your arm. The touch made you tingle, wondering who it was.

"No no sweetheart, this is the right room", your professor stood behind you.

As you walked in, he followed behind you. Taking in your body. Noticing that you were oh so highly breaking dress code. He remained silent, keeping his words to himself.

"Is there anyone else coming?", you stuttered, nervous with his presence.

"No its just you and me", he walked over to the door and closed it, "hopefully detention will teach you to be a good girl in my class".

Those words. Good girl. The way they rolled off his tongue so effortlessly, it was like he was trying to tease you. The fact he wanted you to be good made you want to be bad. Before sitting down, you dropped your phone on purpose. Bending over to pick it up, you almost revealed your ass. He gawked from across the room, feeling himself grow hard in his pants. Now you were trying to tease him.

The sexual tension in the room was almost tangible. He sat at his desk, marking papers, whilst you got on with some homework. Every now and then you would both make eye contact, catching the other trying to admire.

Professor Stan -  Yes SirWhere stories live. Discover now