Coffee Break

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Sunday afternoon, boredom engulfed you from head to toe. Your friends went to a club last night, having to use fake id's because they weren't 21 yet. It's took every part of your gut not to go with them, Winston was there. You did anything to avoid that boy. Even if it meant missing out on time with your friends. You stayed home and watched movies in your dorm instead.

You tried to message Sebastian as much as you could but he was out for dinner. Most of the English faculty were having a meeting over a posh meal, paid in full by the dean. These were monthly occurrences and Sebastian was expected to go to every one. By the time he came home to give you his full attention, you had fallen asleep with your phone in hand, messages left on delivered.

Suzy woke up across from you, feeling sorry for herself in bed, extremely hung over. You attended to her every need, giving her the affection she needed. Cooking you both breakfast this morning, she ended up leaving the half eaten plate on her nightstand, her stomach getting the best of her.

You must have watched at least 10 movies over this weekend, lying in the lion pit that was your bed, becoming extremely bored with yourself. Planning to get out of the dorm for the first time this weekend, you got up and got dressed. Dressing effortlessly chique to impress the people of the upper east side, even though you were only going to stop off at a coffee shop for a drink and a snack.

Asking Suzy if she'd like to join, followed by a text to Aspen too, they both confirmed they were too deep in their own sorrow to come with you

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Asking Suzy if she'd like to join, followed by a text to Aspen too, they both confirmed they were too deep in their own sorrow to come with you. Throwing up digested alcohol every 5 minutes.

You grabbed your bag and your laptop, followed by a grey cardigan to keep you warm in the cities autumn breeze. Walking down to the entrance of the college, pulling you arm out for a cab, directing him deep into the city of New York.


Arriving at your destination, you handed the driver some cash and stepped out onto the sidewalk. Your first choice of coffee shop/bookshop will always be 'Emma's Brew', one of your sisters snobby friends owned the place. Of course she just sat back and let everybody else do the work, paying them minimum wage, even though the shop earned a lot from the savvy businessmen and women.

You knew the shop that well that you could memorise it's busiest hours. Every morning people would swarm in for their morning coffee before heading into the business district for work. Lunchtime was the second busiest time of day, many people would arrange meetings or just sit with a coffee and their laptop, working through their lunch break.

When it reached 5pm, the place was almost unrecognisable. With its busy atmosphere substituted to a few locals reading a book before heading home for the evening. This was your favourite time of day. Especially with it being a Sunday, the place was practically empty.

This was the New York you missed, you rarely visited after joining Manhattan College for the Esteemed. The coffee shop was a short walk from your apartment, you used to come everyday, making you a regular.

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