Dumb Baby

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Beams of soft light gleamed through the sheer curtains, bouncing off of the white sheets onto your dewy morning skin. 

"Good morning beautiful", Sebastian whispered looking down at your tired eyes.

Sitting shirtless with the sheets covering the lower half of his body, he held a book in one hand whilst he stroked the other through your hair. Smiling up at him, blinking a few times whilst you adjusted to the light, he handed you a coffee. "For you", he whispered once more, pressing a kiss to your head.

"Thank you, what time is it?", you questioned.

"11, I thought i'd let you sleep in".

Last night ended with the two of you flopping into bed, Sebastian's hands wrapped around your waist as you both slept off the extreme jet-lag. After a long 24 hours, sleep is just what you needed. Waking up, your head was throbbing, taking some pills to calm your headache.

You drank your steaming coffee whilst scrolling through your usual socials, glancing up at him every now and then. His chiselled abs covered by the sheets, your eyes began to wander, wondering what lay beneath. Shaking it off, you rolled out of bed to head for a shower. Hoping to freshen up for the day.

The shower was fancy, gold plated and the water was steaming. Yesterday was that busy that you had no time to shower, feeling grimy and foul. After leaving college, you headed straight to the airport, followed by an eight hour plane journey then a busy day in Paris. With how tired you were, running on no sleep, showering was the last thing you wanted to do last night. It happens.

Breakfast stopped at 11am, so you had both just missed it. Sebastian told you not to worry as he had planned for the two of you to go out for brunch, his lips were sealed, although you were excited to see where he was taking you. French food was so exquisite, it was prepared to look so elegant yet it was the tastiest stuff ever. Compared to the food back home in New York, it was posh, well the places Sebastian was taking you to at least.

Your hair formed into tight curls as you towel dried, refraining from putting any heat on it with the rainy weather. Taking care of yourself, you did your skincare then rubbing some body butter on your freshly shaved legs. The steam from the heat swarmed around you, small droplets of water dripping from the warmth of your body.

The cold breeze slapped your skin as you stepped out of the bathroom. Sebastian was waiting on the balcony, wearing just his underwear, looking sexy as ever. You couldn't help but stare at the man before you, in awe that he was a man, a fucking man. Not a little boy, a man. Feeling extremely lucky he had picked you over a dozen other girls that practically dropped to his feet.

Joining him on the balcony, he jumped as he felt the warmth of your fingertips on his frosty bicep. His eyes glanced down to see you stood below him in a towel, smirking ever so slightly.

"What?", you questioned, confused by his facial expression.


"Seb... what are you smirking at?".

Without hesitation, he scooped you up into his arms, prompting you to clutch your towel incase you had some french neighbours sitting on their balcony too. Before you knew it you were on the bed, your 6ft boyfriend towering over you, looking down with extreme dominance glazed over his expression. Only now was it that you knew just what he wanted. 


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