Make You Miss Me

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Three months had passed, once again, time you wished would speed up so the school year could finish. April was just around the corner, you could already see the change in season. Trees growing buds of fresh nature, a cycle you wished you had the time to sit back at watch fall into place.

Sebastian hadn't spoken to you ever since the coffee shop. Every now and then you would bump into each other on campus but he would just ignore you like nothing had ever happened. It wasn't a secret that had was scared for his life but he owed you the decency of a hello.

The first couple weeks were absolute torture, you cried yourself to sleep pretty much every night, longing for an "I miss you" text, but never receiving one. Sebastian unblocked you every now and then, reading your messages in pain and sorrow, wanting so badly to reply. It hurt him the most. Having to ignore you.

As always, you took your emotions out on your art work, your art major becoming your most favourite subject. You and Professor Olsen had become quite close, calling her by her first name, as weird as it sounded you two were practically best friends. Then again, you had dated your English Professor so nothing sounded weird these days. You would even spend your lunches with her and stay in her office way after college had ended, taking the time to improve your art. She helped out when she could.

"What's on your mind?", she said as class ended, your last lesson of the day.

You looked over to her as she stood at the front of the classroom, giving you a concerned look as per usual, "Just thinking about you know who, I don't know why though

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You looked over to her as she stood at the front of the classroom, giving you a concerned look as per usual, "Just thinking about you know who, I don't know why though..".

After gaining each others trust, she told you everything about her life, and you told her everything about yours. Including what happened with Sebastian. She wasn't shocked to say the least, surprisingly in all her 10 years of teaching, she has seen her fair share of teacher/student relationships. You felt safe with her, especially with her knowing your deepest darkest secret. Elizabeth comforted you throughout most of the breakup, you were so grateful for her.

Winston was still spying on you though. You took his lurking presence very seriously, keeping your friendship with Elizabeth strictly professional in school hours. You didn't go outside of campus with her unless it was when she picked you up from your drunken nights clubbing. You hadn't visited her apartment or roamed the streets of New York, although you were very straight, you didn't want Winston reporting back to your parents about the two of you.

 You hadn't visited her apartment or roamed the streets of New York, although you were very straight, you didn't want Winston reporting back to your parents about the two of you

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Professor Stan -  Yes SirWhere stories live. Discover now