Back To Reality

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Monday morning, back to reality, back to the shittiest place on earth. College. 

The only reason you still went was because of Sebastian, being able to see him most days, even if it was in a lesson environment. You left his around 8pm last night, spending the weekend with him, binging your favourite movies. Sebastian ordered pizza around 6.30pm and drove you home once you finished eating. You hated Sundays, knowing your weekend with him was over.

Waking up in your single bed was a huge difference after spending the weekend in his kingsize. You rolled over, grabbing your phone from the nightstand beside you, getting back comfortable as you held it in front of your face. The screen was blurry for a moment seen as you had just woke up. You rubbed your eyes to reveal the screen clear as ever.

Suzy had already left for class, your first one wasn't for an hour, thankfully. 

After checking social media, seeing everyones pictures from Halloween weekend, you decided to pull yourself from your phone and out of bed. The fridge was barely full, digging through the scraps, you found some leftover Chinese that Suzy and Aspen had yesterday. Not even asking first, you emptied the carton of noodles into a bowl and sat at your desk, fork twirling through the long strands. 

Opening your laptop, checking your emails, you noticed that your art teacher had emailed you on Friday evening around 7pm. Moving the cursor over the tab you opened it with your eyes squinted. Hoping for it to be a positive email rather than a negative one.

Dear students,

Class is cancelled on Monday as I have to go out of town for family business. I should be back in time for our lesson on Thursday.

In the meantime, may I ask you get on with your individual projects. Hand in date is still 2 weeks today so I expect you all to be working hard. This is not a free period, just simply a work from dorm lesson. 

Best regards,

Professor Vaughn :)

Sighing with relief, knowing you had all morning and most of the afternoon to chill and do art. You preferred to create art alone rather than the beaming eyes of your classmates. Art is supposed to be a private subject, something you complete privately until ready to be shown to the world. Unless you're one of them goody goody's who show anyone and everyone their art from start to finish. You didn't understand the meaning of that, your art was personal and could start off so terrible but after being worked on, become a masterpiece.

Having all the time in the world, you finished up your noodles then heading to the bathroom. Turning the shower on to let it heat up. The autumn weather was your favourite but it was so fucking cold!

Washing your hair, then your body, then your face. Feeling clean as ever. 

Before you sat back at your desk, you applied a face mask, a sheet mask to be exact. A vitamin C, skin-clearing, honey and milk mask for sensitive skin. You thought your skin could do with it after the makeup you wore on the weekend. When looking in the mirror to place it over your face, you noticed the mauve clusters over your neck. Being reminded of the many times you and Sebastian had sex this weekend. Smiling at the thought, craving his lips on yours again.

Pulling out your notepad, you scribbled down a few ideas of art pieces you wanted to create for your project. 

Everyone had to choose a theme they wanted to explore for the project. Many people chose things such as 'Identity', 'Religion' or 'Spaces'. You wanted to choose something more meaningful, more detailed and something you found your art represented. After brainstorming for about a week you decided on the theme 'Exploring visual and emotional stimulants in colour'. Your teacher was impressed by the hard work you put into finding a more personal theme.

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