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Your phone was vibrating like crazy all morning. You slept through it, however Sebastian did not. The noise drove him mental. He had to fight the urge to grab your phone to see who was goddamn texting you this early in the morning. That was when it hit him.

He took his own phone in his hand, squinting as his eyes adjusted to the brightness. It was 11am. You both had overslept. Sebastian had his first class at 10:30am, but you on the other hand, had one starting at 9.

"fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck", he whispered, rushing himself out of bed.

The movements gradually woke you up, turning over to face him. You were presented with Sebastian Stan, half naked, stood in front of his bedroom window, Manhattan skyline behind him. What a sight.

"I could get used to this", you smiled, rubbing your tired eyes.

"Yeah well maybe another time doll, it's 11am", he replied getting himself dressed in a hurry, "sorry but we need to go... now".

You had forgotten to set an alarm. To be fair this was a common situation for you, but for Sebastian, he was always on time. You rushed yourself out of bed, putting on yesterdays clothes. Oh god you were going to look such a hot mess for class, even though you were 2 hours late.

Sebastian was ready before you, using his extra time to make you both a coffee to go. When you were finally ready, you both rushed down the stairs of the building (all 40 flights), and to his car.

You felt a little release as he drive off, knowing that you were now on your way. To be quite honest you didn't care you were late to class. You had him this afternoon anyway, English, the only subject you cared about. I wonder why.

From Suzy: Y/N?

From Suzy: Hello?

From Suzy: I've had two different teachers show up at our dorm.

From Suzy: You missed your exam.

From Suzy: This is pointless, i'll see you later.

"Shit", you muttered to yourself.

"What?", he replied, eyes locked on the traffic in front of you.

"I missed my economics exam".

Spending so much time with him made you completely forget about your exam. You knew the minute your parents found out there would be hell to pay. That was the only subject they cared you did well in. Part of you was glad you missed it, while the other was worried for the snotty text you were going to receive.

Surely there was a way you could reschedule. Like a make-up exam?

"Come on Y/N, I thought you were getting better? As much as I liked the bad girl I much prefer the mature, hardworking version of you".

"I know, I know. I completely spaced".

To Suzy: Shit, we overslept.

To Suzy: Thank god for your messages or we wouldn't have woken up 🤯

His car pulled onto campus, you rushed out first, so it didn't look suspicious. Not even a kiss goodbye, incase there was security cameras or something. You would see him in a few hours anyway.

Sebastian rushed in behind you, already late for his class. Usually it was the students coming up with excuses, but for a teacher it was much worse. Plus, how the hell do you tell your boss that you were late because your girlfriend slept over... your 18 year old student girlfriend.


Note: Just a filler chapter, very short I apologise. I'm really tired, goodnight xo

Soundcloud: @aricentrall check it out, would be much appreciated :)

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