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From Sebastian: I had an amazing weekend with you, thanks for spending it with me.

You stared at the message for a moment, unsure that it was real. You had an amazing weekend too, finally receiving the affection you deserved. You only had sex the once, but you enjoyed spending quality time getting to know him. You found out that he was born in Romania, living his early childhood over there. You told him all about your family issues, he vowed to be there for you if anything ever happened.

All you could wonder is what are we? You weren't casually hooking up anymore. You had shared stuff about your life with him, cuddled with him, spent the goddamn weekend at his apartment. Surely you were more than just 'friends with benefits'. You really liked him, and he really liked you.

To Sebastian: Me too, thanks for letting me stay. 

To Sebastian: We will have to do it again some time <3

Arriving at your dorm, Suzy had text you saying she had gone shopping with Aspen, they invited you, but you vowed to get the last of your assignments done. You didn't pay much attention to your homework this weekend, for obvious reasons.

Jumping on your unmade bed, you pulled your laptop out of your bag. Scrolling through your emails, making sure your professors hadn't set you any more work over the weekend. The only emails you had were those stupid ones that companies sent you, the ones when you buy literally one thing off of their website. You scrolled to the bottom, pressing unsubscribe, deleting the spam of emails.

All you had left to do was English. 'Write a 1500-word essay on the key values featured in Romeo and Juliet', cheers Sebastian, good going. If only he could type out the thing for you, you were not motivated to do this right now. It was due tomorrow though. You would have had it done by Friday evening, but you were 'caught up' with something. Couldn't use that excuse in his class.

Huffing to yourself, you began to type out the essay, feeling completely unmotivated. The only thing that was good about this moment was the fact it was raining outside. You loved the rain, it made anything cosy. Even if you were having the worst day ever, rain was guaranteed to make you smile. Filling you with warmth as it hit the window with force.

He was lucky you were good at English; you had the thing done within an hour, vocab written perfectly. You knew you would pass his class with ease, your other classes maybe not so much. Loving art so much, it was a very hard subject, so much coursework. It was time consuming too, but you liked the aspect of how you could tell a story through your artwork.

Feeling inspired, you whipped out your sketchbook and some water-coloured paints. You couldn't describe how you felt for Sebastian, so you decided to express it through a piece of art. Letting yourself go, your paintbrush glided over the paper, not thinking about what exactly you wanted to paint, just going with the flow. 

The page was filled with hues of pink and purple, hints of red and blue too. the colours you had chosen are usually associated with the feeling of love, romance, femininity, lust and sex. All the feelings you felt with Sebastian. Your brush strokes were steady, representing how you felt in this 'relationship'. 

Previous pieces of art, you created when dating Winston. Strong aspects of burgundy, navy blue and black. All the colours that represented pain, suffering, sadness and anger. The complete opposite feelings Sebastian gave you. Your art use to rub off your emotions onto other people. Your friends would ask you if you were okay, worried about the pain that went into your pieces. 

Suzy arrived home about an hour later. Throwing her expensive shopping bags beside the front door. Watching you in your element, creating art for a change. You had your earphones in, listening to your 'twilight vibes' playlist on Spotify, feeling at peace whilst you dipped your brush in the clouded water.

Pulling one of your earphones out, grabbing your attention, "hey, i'm home".

"Oh hey Suze, how was shopping? You'll have to give me a fashion show".

You looked at her confused, she wasn't her usual smiley self. Her facial expression was almost disappointed, sad. She came and sat on the bed next to you, taking a look at your art, letting a little smile swipe her face then back to her serious expression.

"What's up?", you stuttered, worried that something bad had happened.

"I visited that little coffee shop you like in the city today... I saw Riley", she muttered.


"I asked her how her weekend was, and she said she had been working the whole time, I- I was confused, I asked her if you had seen her at all this weekend and she said no", Suzy gulped, you had never lied to her, "Where have you been Y/N?".

Your facial expression grew weak, you had been caught red handed. Where else could you say you had been that didn't sound like a total lie. You couldn't say you had been to see your parents, that would be way too unrealistic. Whilst you also couldn't say you were with a boy, she would pester you to meet him.

Suzy was your best friend, you hated lying to her. You grew impatient.

"Okay so I have something to tell you... you have to pinky promise you won't tell ANYONE!".

She nodded her head, looking concerned but also happy you were coming out with the truth. Wrapping her pinky around yours, promising not to share your secret with anyone.

"I've been... I've been sleeping with Professor Stan", you looked down, avoiding eye contact, "I was at his all weekend".

Suzy fell silent, in complete shock with what you had just told her. She wasn't expecting that one bit. Not knowing what to say to you, she just looked at you in complete silence. Bringing the courage to ask you questions.

"So are you two like a couple?".

"Not officially, but it feels like it".

You were quiet too, shocked that you had just told her your deepest darkest secret. Sebastian wouldn't be happy, you obviously couldn't tell him that she knew. He would flip his shit, most likely end it with you, whatever 'it' was.

"You do know what you're doing is illegal right? I support you 100% but you need to know the risks your taking girl", she giggled.

"We both know the risks, but i'm falling flat on my face for him Suze. I can't help myself. We had the most amazing weekend together".

"That's adorable, i'm happy for you! I know it's risky but if i'm quite honest, i'm happy you've finally moved on from Winston", she smiled, feeling butterflies from hearing about your secret fling.

"I'm long over him, he's a jerk", you lifted your sleeve up to show the bruises he left on you, "he did that to me the other day you know... Sebastian, I mean Professor Stan caught him and kicked him out of class".

"What the fuck! Yeah, he can forget we were ever friends for that! And omg you're on a first name basis with him omg...", she laughed to herself, still pissed off at Winston though.

You talked for hours, still getting on with your painting, telling her all about your weekend and the past couple weeks with Sebastian. She gushed over every word you said, secretly wishing she could have a relationship like you two. She wasn't even mad at you, one bit. Understanding why you kept it a secret in the first place.

Sebastian was messaging you every now and then, sending you adorable texts about how he couldn't wait to see you tomorrow. He spent the day planning out his lessons for the week, wishing he was with you instead. 

He couldn't deny the connection the two of you shared, you were the first thing on his mind when he woke up and the last when he went to bed.

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