Clair De Lune

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After a quick power nap, the both of you headed out into the city. Trailing through the narrow streets, stopping to take pictures every five minutes, the beautiful scenery swallowing you whole. Sebastian was just as shocked as you, he had never been to Paris either, loving that every moment was spent with you. It was nice to be able to walk the streets holding hands, being able to show affection and going out on a proper date.

The clock hitting 5pm, Sebastian guided you to where you would be eating for the night as the sun set around you. It was a restaurant that lay on the corner of one of the streets, close-by to the Arc de Triomphe, scenery immaculate. It was cold but you were wrapped up enough to sit outside, a table for two, chattering voices coming from all directions.

Finally getting some wifi you both began to check your phone. Sebastian had received multiple emails from Chris and Anthony asking him how you were getting on, they were extremely invested in your relationship. Suzy and Aspen had been messaging you also, asking you to send photos. You took a selfie, your smile radiating through the phone, sending it to them to satisfy their needs.

You began to scroll through the rest of the photos you had taken today, smiling at every one, how real this all was. Pulling up your instagram, in which you had over 5000 followers, you scrambled a post together. You rarely posted on social media, unless it was to show off something. Paris sure was something to show off, especially to those that looked down on you like your sister or your ex.

The caption read "like a dream", feeling like you were Alice in her very own wonderland, Paris was a fucking dream

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The caption read "like a dream", feeling like you were Alice in her very own wonderland, Paris was a fucking dream. A short while after, your comments section was flooded of people asking where you were staying, how long for and who with. You simply responded with the "🤫" emoji, hinting that everything about this trip would remain private, although you had to post just one photo.

Sebastian didn't really use social media, so it wasn't a problem of someone putting two and two together with your posts because he didn't even have an instagram account. Your secret was safe ad sound.

"What would you like to eat?", he questioned.

"I think I will have the pasta, i'm not too hungry", you replied, taking a sip of your lemonade.

"Are you sure you don't want to try any of these french dishes?".

"You know i'm fussy", you both giggled, "maybe tomorrow".

When dinner arrived you both talked in between mouthfuls, enjoying your first ever date together. It was nice to be out in public, meals in his apartment were nice, but being able to experience a restaurant was the highlight of your trip.

It was now dark outside, time running fast with the constant flow of conversation. After finishing up, you both headed back to the streets, walking past the little bakeries and boutiques. Holding a tight grip to his hand, feeling at peace with his presence. Snapping a few more photos to remember the moments. You were quite surprised he wasn't cold in his little striped sweater, but he insisted you take his coat for extra warmth.

The city was still alive, even with it being late, people still flooded the streets. Sebastian seemed to be guiding you somewhere, you followed along, unsure of what was to come. Until you cut through a small back alley, coming out to be right near the Eiffel Tower. Sparkling in all its glory. It smelt like freshly cut grass and you could hear all of the buskers playing their accordions.

"Surprise", he muttered as you reached a little picnic blanket.

Sat on a field just under the tower, two glasses next to a bottle of red wine, fresh macarons and music to complete. He bent down, picking up a bouquet of flowers and then handing them to you with a huge smile over his face.

"For you ma belle".

Your face lit up more than you thought it could. The effort this man had put into treating you this evening was impeccable. He knew how much you wanted to visit the Eiffel Tower, not only did your hotel room face it, but you were now sat just under it.

"My goodness, what did I do to deserve you?", you propped yourself up on your tiptoes to peck a kiss to his lips, "I love you so much".

"I love you too".

He had hired someone to lay it all out for you this afternoon, preparing it so that it was ready for this moment. Could it really get any better than this, you thought to yourself. As you both sat on the blanket, he poured you a glass of red wine and opening the cardboard box filled with multicoloured sweet meringue. As you tried one, the flavour coated your mouth, leaving you to moan in satisfaction to how tasty it was. Sebastian giggled at your action, enjoying the confection himself.

You couldn't help but stare at him, feeling an overwhelming sense of love for the man sat before you. How on earth did you end up falling for your teacher, never expecting it to be anything like this. In the movies it's just filled with casual hookups, no love or affection. Yours and Sebastians relationship was more normal than most people would have guessed.

To him, you made him feel like a teenager again. All of your silly videos you show him to the way you both sneak around together. He couldn't have asked to spend this trip with anyone else but you.

"Have you spoken to your family much since telling them you were going to Paris? Have they wished you a happy Thanksgiving?", he questioned whilst taking a sip of his wine, propped up on the left side of his body.

"They mentioned I seemed distant... distracted. If only they knew why...", you giggled, "they were disappointed that I was going to show the family up by not being there. So no I haven't spoken to then unfortunately".

"It's such a shame, at least you're here with me sweetheart".

The moonlight sparkled off of buildings, down onto your skin, making you glow with how happy you were. Sebastian cupped your chin and pressed a soft kiss to your lips, showing how deep his love for you was. The moment was picture perfect.

Tonight was so special and you will never forget it.


A/N: Just a quick chapter because i love you all, maybe just maybe there will be smut next chapter... you will have to wait and see 😉

Thankyou so much for 400k reads!!!

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