Study Buddy

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From Sebastian: Meet me at the brew at 6pm, I have a meeting but then it's study time! 

Sebastian had been on your back about this study session for about a week now, of course you signed up willingly but he was taking it very seriously. Reminding you every day when it was so you didn't miss it. He wanted you to succeed, knowing you had the ability to do better, pushing it out of you every moment you had. 

Since you got your test back, you had stayed at Sebastians three times. He took the time to push in a little bit of studying everyday, even if it wasn't all books and practice papers. He would often refrain from giving something you wanted, asking a question first, then proceeding if you go the answer right. If you failed, he would sit and explain what you did wrong. Obviously he was trying to help, but when it came in between your intimate times, it pissed you off hardcore. Such a mood killer.

To Sebastian: I know! God. I'll be there by 6, don't rush me.

Sebastian looked down at his phone whilst he ate his lunch in his office, rolling his eyes at the brat who was messaging him. These were the times he wished you weren't his student, having to study you in his free time, when he'd rather take you out on a date or fuck you senseless. It was getting to him too. 

You got a cab over to the brew, arriving just before 6, just incase Sebastian complained. He showed up shortly after, pulling up his black Audi onto the sidewalk. Before heading in, he gave a light peck to your cheek, then holding the door open for you. Looking around, noticing no one you knew was there, Riley wasn't working today either. Thank God.

Whilst you were stood in the cue, it started pouring it down outside, rain crashing up against the coffee shop window. Setting the vibes for the evening. The brew shut at 10, one of the latest running coffee shops in the upper east side, fuelling those of energy that had to finish last minute assignments. It was a blessing to be honest, especially with you being more motivated at night.

"What would you like to drink sweetheart?", he asked, looking down at how small you were. 

You were all bundled up in an oversized sweater, paired with leggings and doc martens. The November weather was getting increasingly cold, needing to have a coat with you at all times. Sebastian was wearing his usual designer suit, designer shoes, but pairing it with a long black trench coat and a scarf.

"I'll have a cappuccino, but can you ask for a pump of that pumpkin syrup and extra foam please?".

"Of course, anything for you princess".

Sebastian stuck with a plain latte, no sugar and with a double shot of expresso. You wondered how he drank the stuff, preferring sugar overload in your warm drinks. However, he drank coffee for the energy high, whereas you drank it to feel cosy.

Whilst he waited for your drinks, you found a table for the both of you. In the back corner, surrounded by bookshelves, right by an open fire. You needed as much warmth as possible in this cold weather. You unpacked your things, laptop, binder, pencil case, study guide etc.

Sebastian came and sat down shortly after, handing your coffee over whilst he took a large sip of his. the man got straight to it, handing going over some notes then handing you over a practise paper to do. He answered some work emails whilst you got on with the test, checking in on you every so often. 

Once you were done, he went through your answers with you, telling you what you did wrong or right. It really helped, knowing where you went wring rather than just getting a grade. You used a different coloured pen, writing the correct answers above the wrong ones, helping you for future notes. He wrote a bunch of stuff down himself. Topics for future study sessions, where you were going wrong, things you needed to improve on and your strongest topics. 

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