Dinner Date

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You arrived at his apartment fashionably late, only 15 minutes to be exact. He opened the door with a face that could light up a whole room, smiling at you from ear to ear, looking you up and down. Reaching out for your hand he pecked a kiss on the back of it, bowing down and looking up at you. 

"Ma'am", he smiled.

"Such a gentleman", you smiled back to him, gaining butterflies in your stomach.

This was the most fancy you had ever dressed before. Even though your family went to the Hamptons every spring and summer break and often held charity galas, you never joined them, showing them up. Payback really, for all the shit they have put you through.

You wore the most beautiful designer dress. A black Dior silk midi dress, paired with black Chanel heels. You wore Gucci diamond earrings and matching necklace, all pulled together with the latest Chanel strappy shoulder purse. The whole get up must have cost over $70,000 easily, thanks to Suzy for letting you borrow it all. 

Suzy had a good relationship with her parents, plus running her own small business making custom jewellery, she's set for life. She never had money issues, ever. The amount of ridiculously expensive outfits she had bought you throughout your friendship, you would be in debt. When she heard about your date with Sebastian, she couldn't resist, taking you shopping ASAP.

"You look beautiful... absolutely breathtaking", he flirted, letting you into his neat and tidy apartment.

He must have tidied it especially for you, not a speck of dust to be seen. Your eyes were caught by the kitchen table, he had lay it all out for your date, lighting pillar candles and polishing the silverware. It was so romantic, especially for your first date. It was obviously a shame you couldn't go to some fancy restaurant, but this was just as amazing.

"All for me?", you mumbled, feeling intense happiness in this moment.

"Of course sweetheart, you deserve a treat once in a while...".

The comment threw you off guard, was he referencing romance or sex. You two were a couple now so it wasn't just about sex anymore, although you did crave him harder than ever. 


You made yourself at home, sitting on the kitchen counter as you watched him cook. He wouldn't tell you what he was making until it was all done, but to be honest you would've been happy with chicken nuggets and tater tots. You had to act grown up in front of him, but of course, who didn't love a kiddy meal every now and then, it brought back a nostalgic/homely feeling.

He had prepared most of the food before you arrived so it didn't take him much longer until he finished, plating it up, then setting it on the table. He pulled out your chair, like a gentleman once again, pouring you a glass of wine. He didn't care about giving you alcohol whilst you were underage, he was breaking plenty of rules already. You felt so sophisticated with your wine glass.

Looking down at your plate he had made you some sort of Italian looking meal, you weren't into your food that much so you had no idea what it was, just knowing that it looked delicious. Taking a forkful, you shoved it in your mouth, taking in the wide range of flavours that danced upon your tastebuds. It was like heaven on a plate.

"Cacio e Pepe Potato Gnocchi, I tried it a few years back in Italy, the cook gave me the recipe, it's the best thing I can cook... I hope", he giggled, taking a mouthful of his own dish.

"It's delicious, thank you so much Seb".

"Seb?", he smiled, "Is that my new nickname?".

"If that's okay with you? It just kinda stuck with me I don't know why", you giggled along with him.

"I like it... Seb".


Once finishing your meals, he poured you both another glass of wine, too deep into conversation to care about the washing up. You knew each other pretty well by now but just a few more things were shared over the table.

"...so thats why my dad disowned me, he still hates me to this day, I just love to see the smug look on his face when I do something remarkable though", you spurted out.

"Damn I thought my life was hard".

"Oh I hope i'm not waffling on, I tend to do that too often"

"It's okay sweetheart, I love listening to you talk", he said cupping your chin over the table.

After finishing up your conversation, you both flopped on the couch, you were pretty tipsy... borderline drunk per say. As you sat down your dress rode up, revealing your upper thigh. Sebastian glared over, wanting to rip that goddamn dress off of you. He knew you wouldn't want to ruin it, although he would buy you a new one. Reaching his hand to where your dress ended, he pulled it down, shielding your innocence... like you had any.

You were slurring your words, talking nonsense if anything. Crawling over to him, you cuddled up, getting comfy in his muscly arms. Your new safe place.

After a minute or two you fell fast asleep, knocked out, counting sheep. The alcohol had really gotten to you after not drinking for a few weeks. Sebastian knew he had to protect you, his new girlfriend. 

He carried you over to the bedroom, plopping you down whilst he rattled through his closet. Finding yet another random slogan tee that was stuffed at the back. This one said, 'I don't need friends when i have my students', a cheesy top one of his classes a few years back got him as a graduation present. He began to undress you, placing your clothes on the chair beside his bed so they didn't get ruined. Still sleepy, the oversized t-shirt flopped over your head then over your curves. 

Tucking you in bed, he planted a kiss on your forehead, whispering "Goodnight" even though you were sound asleep. He didn't join you just yet, heading back into the living room to mark the remainder of his essays. Oh how he wished he could crawl into bed with you.

Every now and then he would pop in to check if you were okay, but of course you didn't change position, looking extremely comfortable in his queen sized bed.

This is where you belong.


Authors Note: Hey! I'm so sorry for the lack of chapters the past two days, i've had a lot going on. I had my date with my boyfriend and I ended up staying at his for two nights. I had 3 hours sleep last night and oh I got my covid vaccine!

I'm sorry if this chapter was all over the place, i had no idea what to write. Also I haven't checked it for grammar, so if something is wrong I apologise but i'm tired hehe.

I think I might make the next chapter a smut uno ;)

Goodnight/GoodMorning/GoodAfternoon <3

I love you all!

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