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surprise ;)

You woke up in a rush, brushing your teeth and your hair as fast as possible. Remembering your uniform was ripped to shreds at Sebastian's apartment, you pestered Suzy for hers. You'd have to improvise for now, luckily she didn't have any classes today, allowing you to wear her uniform.

Not having time for breakfast, you sprinted across campus, finally reaching your class before 9am. On time for once, although it was a tad rushed. No sign of Winston. Good, you thought to yourself. Happy you could go to English in peace.

Your phone screen lit up with Sebastian's name, you opened his message as quickly as possible.

From Sebastian: Meet me in my office after class.

He was already in class but he didn't want to make a scene or cause suspicion asking you in person. You smiled up at him, nodding your head, hoping no one saw.

"I hope you all have completed your assignments this weekend", he paced around the front of the lecture hall, "it's important so that we can move on to the next topic".

He walked up and down the pews, collecting names of those who hadn't done theirs, listening to their stupid excuses. You giggled to yourself, all these people had excuses, whilst you still managed to complete yours even though you spent the whole weekend at your professors. Looking over to him you flashed a smile. When he reached you, he could already tell you had completed it.

"Good girl", he whispered, winking at you.

Todays lesson was just a lecture about the importance of emotion in your writing. You loaded up Microsoft Word on your computer, typing away notes as he spoke.

"I'm going to be setting you all a project which will run up until Christmas, you will have three months to complete", he cleared his throat, "I would like you all to write a short story on whatever you'd like, but I will be marking you based on how you display emotion".

Easy. You already had so much experience with writing. Your secret Wattpad account went viral last summer, gaining over 200k reads on your first fan fiction. The only thing was, what the hell were you going to write about. Display emotion? That could be anything.

Pulling out a notepad from your bag you began to make a mind map of things you could possibly write. Branching off your ideas all over the page. Romance? Horror? Crime? So many things floated through your mind, but you couldn't set your heart on just one.

You ran to google, searching in 'Pinterest'. Logging into your account, you were faced with all your old mood boards from getting yourself inspired for pieces of art, or ideas for your last story. You made a new board, labelling it 'Emotion Assignment'. Looking all over the website you began to string a few things together.

The board ended up becoming full of romantic photos of aesthetic cute couples. You then found yourself adding photos of creepy asylums and blood. Mixing the two together you decided to write a Romantic-Horror.

Two lovers would be separated by a killer. The girl would be kidnapped and hidden in an abandoned asylum, where the killer would perform experiments on her which caused her pain. The whole story would be how her girlfriend was trying to save her. Kinda cheesy but you thought you could display emotion very well. Scared, panic, sadness, love and hope.

"How long does it have to be?", a student asked whilst raising their hand.

"Minimum of 30 chapters, 2000 words per chapter. I would like you to aim for higher though", Sebastian replied.

Your last story was 50 chapters so you had hope that you could achieve just that, as long as you weren't distracted. Hard with your professor playing around with your feelings constantly.

Professor Stan -  Yes SirWhere stories live. Discover now