The Last Hurrah

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Your last two days were approaching fast.

All you had left was today and tomorrow until lunch time, making the most of everything before you had to go back to New York. You dreaded the thought of having to sit through lunches on your own instead of cruising through the European cafes and restaurants with Sebastian. No worries, just pure freedom.

"This is my favourite place in the whole city", he said pointing at the public library in front of you both, "I spent the majority of my free time in here as a kid, I would ask mămică to take me all the time".

"This is my favourite place in the whole city", he said pointing at the public library in front of you both, "I spent the majority of my free time in here as a kid, I would ask mămică to take me all the time"

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"So that's why you love English", you joked.

"Mămică used to read to me all the time, I became so fascinated that I was reading adult books by the time I was 12".

The two of you looked around the library for a while, Sebastian traced his fingers over the worn-out books. Every now and then he would pick up a book, flipping through the pages, noticing how the paper was folded where he had been reading as a child. The library was quiet and unused, the same librarian sat at the front desk, old and fragile. Everyday she would hobble from her house down the street, opening the library, hoping she would see some familiar faces. Unfortunately, due to a bigger and more modern library opening across the road, she didn't receive many people.

Once Sebastian was done reminiscing his memories, he took you to your first activity of the day.

Wine tasting.

Due to it being winter, there was no way of going to a proper winery to make your own, but Sebastian found just the place on trip advisor. At first you were a tad worried, you didn't have your fake ID on you, only your real one. Sebastian assured you would be just fine, in Europe you had to be 18 to drink which made you wish you could live here permanently. Why does the US have to be so difficult, you questioned to yourself.

"Do you usually drink wine?", he asked, his tall frame looking down at you.

"I'm not going to lie... it tastes like cough medicine to me", you giggled as did Sebastian.

The two of you sat down at the long wooden table surrounded by other couples, all wearing some sort of ring on their wedding finger. Probably engaged or newly married, something you wished to have one day. Sebastian took a wine glass for you both and placed it on the table in front of you.

"I think it's an age thing", he whispered.

"A what?".

"An age thing... notice how everyone here is like over the age of 30? I think you get used to the bitter taste as you get older", he said whilst pressing a kiss to your cheek.

The first couple bottles were rich, sour and far too strong for your liking. Every sip you took from your glass had to be forced down your throat, the burgundy juice made your face crease with its taste. You nor Sebastian liked any of them until the last bottle came.

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