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The day had been spent going from one activity to another.

You leave for Romania tomorrow lunchtime, so you tried to fit as much as you could in today. Sebastian took you to the cutest little cafe for brunch, he ordered a bunch of little pastries for you to try. Your favourite was the Viennoiseries, something about them caught your liking, however you enjoyed the classic croissant too. You drank steaming cups of coffee and discussed your plans for the day, it was quite therapeutic to be honest. Your heart yearned for the Paris life, wanting to stay here forever, how easy it would be to live freely with Sebastian. No sneaking around, no secrets and being away from all the negativity that surrounded you back in New York.

After brunch, you went sightseeing, sitting on one of the buses with the open roofs. It was still quite chilly but the two of you bundled up in jumpers and scarves. The tour was around 3 hours long, visiting places such as the Louvre and the Arc de Triomphe. It wasn't the type of tour where you got off to walk around which was quite disappointing, but you took the opportunity to do some drawings in your sketchbook, getting a head start on the new semester. Every now and then Sebastian would glance down at your work, watching how your fingers worked the pencil lead into the most detailed architecture he had ever seen. Eyes locked on your face, the expressions you made as you worked out the proportions in your head. He found it adorable.

"You'll have to draw me something... I'd love to hang your work up somewhere in the apartment", he requested, "you seem so passionate about the things you draw".

"I'd love to draw you something! I have a few paintings back home I could show you, a few of them I actually did about you".

"About me?".

"Yes... the emotions I feel for you are huge inspo for my pieces, I like to incorporate anything I feel into my work, that's why they mean so much to me".

He had never seen you so interested in the subject before, only ever noticing your love for English. It made his heart warm that he inspired you to paint, and that this trip had inspired you to draw.

"Wow Y/N, I love that, I'd love to take a look at them".

It had been a long ass day, arriving back to the bed and breakfast around 6pm. Not really feeling like a sit-down meal, Sebastian promised to let you pick whatever fast food restaurant you wanted. Your choice was between Five Guys and McDonalds, wanting to be quick with your meal so you could enjoy the evening, you chose McDonalds. Of course it wasn't the healthiest option, but you enjoyed the thought of the greasy stuff, satisfying your fast food cravings.

"Are you ready yet sweetheart? You don't need to dress up we are going to be walking most of the night", Sebastian muttered through the closed bathroom door, where you were doing your makeup.

"I know baby but it's our last night here, so I want to make an effort", you giggled whist looking at how overdressed you were in the mirror.

You wore a little beige dress, fitted to your figure like a glove, cut in a heart shape around your breasts and sleeves falling right down to your wrists. Pairing it with a beige cropped cardigan and Doc Martens. You knew damn well it was going to be freezing out there but doing anything to look hot and impress your man. Fashion was somewhat satisfying to you, much like your art. You could always tell what someone was like as a person by the way they dressed.

The popular girls always wore the skimpiest clothing to impress the boys. The skaters wore baggy clothing paired with vans and layered necklaces. The academic girls wore presentable clothes, something that screamed 'I run a mother-fucking business'. And then there was just the girls who wore jeans and a tee, usually meaning they didn't really have a story, living a normal life.

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