Odd One Out

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That day, you spent the rest of it with Sebastian, feeling safe in his loving arms. Suzy had texted you later on, asking where you had gone, and if you were with Sebastian. Unfortunately your phone was on charge beside him. As it buzzed he took it in his hand to pass to you, when he saw his name, he stopped to read. 

"You told your friends?", he panicked for a moment.

"Oh shit, erm, not all of them... just Suzy", you grabbed your phone as your face grew red, "She was getting suspicious of where I was all the time, she's my best friend Seb, plus she's my roommate too".

"Why didn't you tell me though? I thought you were done lying?".

"I know but I knew you would panic", you kissed his cheek, "Suzy has been my best friend since the third grade, our secret is safe with her, I promise".

"If you say so..", he rolled his eyes, pulling you in for a silly hug.

You were shocked that he was so cool with it, but he couldn't not be. Chris and Anthony knew, well not exactly that you were his student but they still knew. he couldn't be mad at you, not after you had just sorted things.


The next week flew by, filled with so much homework. 

On Wednesday, you stayed behind whilst Sebastian marked his class' papers as usual, getting on with your own work. The whole time he was just glaring at you, watching how engrossed you were in the stuff on your laptop. 

"I have a question?", he asked.

"Sure", you replied, barely lifting your eyes from the screen.

"One of my good friends, Chris, is having a party at his penthouse on Saturday evening", he reached for your hand, trying to grab your attention, "I'd like for you to come with me... if you feel comfortable? I thought it was time you meet my friends".

You hesitated for a moment, surely his friends would all be a similar age, going on 40s. It kind of started you, the thought of being at a party with complete strangers. You would feel so out of place, most likely being the youngest one there. No doubt Sebastian would have to leave you alone at times.

"Umm... aren't I a little too young for a party in the city? I mean if it was thrown by people my age, sure", you twiddled your hair in between your fingers, "but everyone will be so much older than me, i'm anxious that i'll get judged".

"Trust me sweetheart, if anyone says anything... they have to go through me first. And anyways, you'll be by my side all night".

You contemplated it for a moment before saying, "yes, i'll meet your old man friends". This gained a stern look from Sebastian, he hated being reminded that he was 'old', even if he hadn't even hit 40 yet.


You got ready at his place, he bought you a new dress and shoes for the party, expensive to say the least. It was made by Prada, red and silky, and it went over only one shoulder with bulky padding. It was smart yet elegant, the only thing was, it was extremely tight. When he bought it, the lady at the desk recommended him buying a corset too. Even if you were the skinniest person in the world, this dress would literally stop you from breathing. He helped you get into it, although it did take a while. 


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