His Office

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You had both been texting frequently throughout the past two days, Suzy was constantly asking you why you were smiling at your phone screen. Little did she know, you and your English professor were secretly sharing dirty texts. You couldn't deny it, there was an unspeakable amount of sexual tension through these messages.

To Y/N: All I want to do is rip that black thong off of you again, I need to hear you call me sir.

To Sebastian: You're killing me.

You would text for hours, he would make you squirm with the words that popped up on the screen. He felt like teenager again, sneaking around, sexting and being obsessive over a girl. For you it just felt healthier, better than whatever you and Winston had been through. Although it was still illegal.

To Y/N: When can I see you again?

To Sebastian: We don't have class until Monday now 😫

To Y/N: I have a free period in an hour, meet me in my office, bring your homework.

To Sebastian: Okay c u then <3

A wave of excitement washed over you. Keeping this all a secret was hard. All you wanted to do was walk around campus with him, kiss him in public, desperate for Winston to see you both. You couldn't help but feel giddy at the fact no one knew though. Sneaking around is sexy, the thrill you get when you try to not get caught.

You often wondered if this fling would last long, worried that he might lose interest or change his mind. But times like these reminded you not to worry, and not to get attached so easily. If your friends knew they would tell you it was unrealistic and that you were being young and dumb. He was your world right now, all you wanted to do was misbehave.

Before leaving, you gathered your homework together, slipping it in your ring binder and then into your bag. At least if anyone questioned it, you could say he was helping you with your homework. He was helping you with many other things too.


Reaching his office, you knocked on the door, waiting patiently for him to let you in. Instead he shouted through the door. His voice was muffled. Someone else was in there too. Another student? Faculty?

"One moment", his raspy voice called out to you.

Your mind began to overthink. As per usual. Had someone heard us the other day? Was he getting fired? Was he with another student? Stop over thinking!

After a few minutes the door opened and out came Professor Stan and another student. Winston. For fucks sake. Did he know about you and Sebastian, or was he here to complain about his bad grades and bribe his way to an A+.

"Oh, hey Y/N", Winston mumbled with a smile, leaning over to kiss you on the cheek.

You dodged him. Had he forgotten the words you said to him. It was over. Yet he's still playing the same old games. Nothing could compel you to go back to him now, your professor treated you so much better.

"All dressed up for Professor Stan or for me princess?", he said in a jealous tone.

Was he trying to piss you off. His words used to wrap around you like rope, trapping you, you would never disobey him. But he couldn't control you anymore. His words meant nothing.

"Neither, and i'm not your 'princess' anymore!", you snapped back.

Sebastian looked at you both, rage fuming through his eyes. He couldn't help but despise the boy. He hated the way he spoke to you like you were his slave, his slut as the rumours revealed. Winston had one coming if he ever acted out at you again. Sebastian wanted you all to himself. His little possession.

Professor Stan -  Yes SirWhere stories live. Discover now