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You rolled around in your bed for hours. Anticipating his reply. The day felt like a week and every hour felt like a day. Trying to stay distracted so you could stay patient. You were in the wrong here, not him, you needed to give him some time to think.

Falling asleep around 9pm, growing bored of waiting, feeling so alone. Suzy stayed the night at Aspens, you were jealous of how close they were, wishing you could be with Sebastian. He was on your mind 24/7, even whilst you slept.

Waking up bright and early, still thinking of how much of an idiot you were, you got ready for the day. Still checking your phone every five minutes to see if he had replied. You began to get impatient, it had almost been 24 hours since he had messaged you, even if it wasn't the nicest text ever. You decided to visit him today, hoping to sort things.

The poor man was still processing what happened, he hated ignoring you, but you didn't seem sure when you said nothing happened with Winston. The thought of that boy touching you made him fill with anger. Every time he thought of you, he thought of Winston screwing you, even if it didn't happen. You were his little possession, no one else's.

You dressed as pretty as possible, wanting that boost of confidence for when you came face to face with Sebastian. Who knows, if everything went well you could go for coffee after, or a 'study date' as you would have to say. You wore a little black lacy top, paired with an edgy black skirt. Finishing off the outfit with a plaid cardigan, which was rather itchy, but completed the street style look.

You decided to take the scenic route to Sebastian's, you had never showed up unannounced, so it was best you planned your words before hand

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You decided to take the scenic route to Sebastian's, you had never showed up unannounced, so it was best you planned your words before hand. Taking in the rare amount of greenery the pathway you chose had to offer. Usually you would walk straight through the city, but something about nature made you feel at peace, calming your nerves.

People watched as you gave yourself a mini pep talk along the way, this visit was bound to end up in an argument, one way or another. You were pissed that he was ignoring you and doubting your trust, and he was pissed because you lied to him. 

Reaching the tall building, you greeted the doorman as you walked in, he was used to it by now, seeing you very often. The trip up the elevator felt like a lifetime, all 36 floors. When the doors opened, your heart began to race as you walked towards his apartment. The hallway was silent, it was only 10am, people were most likely still asleep.

You waited for a few moments before knocking on the door, standing back as it flew open. 


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