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Sebastian had been at home marking papers all night, trying his best to concentrate and not get distracted. Until he reached yours. Your name was written in cursive in the top left corner, a heart drawn next to it. The memories of this afternoon flooded back. He felt an overwhelming sense of guilt while also feeling extremely satisfied. He didn't want to ignore you and pretend it never happened, he wanted it to happen again. Him, taking every part of you in. Admiring your beautiful body. He wanted it all to himself. He wanted you all to himself.

Meanwhile you had been out with Suzy and Aspen. Trying your hardest not to spill anything. Aspen had mentioned that she could smell a male smell every now and then, your clothes wreaked of it, but you just told them that it was Winston. They didn't know you two had broken up yet. If you confessed then they would be more suspicious if you were with your professor. You kept your fingers crossed Winston hadn't told anyone, but you knew it wouldn't be long before he was parading this new girl around.

"You seem really smiley", Suzy chuckled, "have you had sex or something?".

"I guess...", you replied, telling a small fragment of the truth.

"I thought you two didn't do it often?", Aspen questioned, walking into the student accommodation building.

"Some things change Asp", you smirked, thinking of the moment you shared with Sebastian in detention.

You and Suzy reached your room, waving Aspen goodbye as they walked down the corridor. Suzy closed the door behind her. Pulling a questionable look, almost waiting to catch you out.

"Why did you lie?", she said in a serious tone.

You began to get ready for bed, playing it off you replied,"What do you mean?".

"I know you and Winston broke up, he told me earlier".

Fuck. How do I do this?

"Oh... I didn't want to tell you because I knew you'd say 'I told you so', listen... he cheated on me again".

"I know that too, he was with some blonde chick. Who have you had sex with then? You know you can tell me", she said walking over to her bed and sitting down.

"Just some guy I met on tinder, a hook up per say... its nothing. Just a one night stand".

It wasn't just a one night stand. You hoped it would happen again soon. Craving his touch once more, even though you had him only a few hours ago. You had his class tomorrow, almost bursting with how excited you were. English was your new favourite subject.

"Oh Y/N, I hope you're okay girly, you'd tell me if anything got serious with a guy right?".

"Totally", the lie slipped between your lips.


The next morning you got up an hour earlier than usual, piling on the makeup and making yourself look hot for Professor Stan. Worrying that he would forget about you, you wore your uniform skimpy once again, to remind him of how he had you over his desk. If you got detention for breaking dress code, who cared, more time for you and him. You couldn't just invite him over to your dorm or go out for a date, this had to be secretive. That's if he wants more. He does.

Getting to class late as per usual, you took a seat on the front row, desperate for his attention. He was too engulfed in the lesson that he barely greeted you on the way in. Disappointed, you got on with your work.

Is this it? Was it just a once night stand? This was the least amount of attention he had given you since you started two weeks ago.

You raised your hand.

"Yes Miss L/N?", he said finally acknowledging your presence.

"May I use the bathroom?", you asked, batting your eyelashes for him.

He took in your beauty. While trying to stay professional incase any of the other students noticed his favouritism.

"Could you wait another 15 minutes? I need to give you all back your assignments".

"Okay sir".

He walked over to you first, your assignment lay on the top of the pile

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He walked over to you first, your assignment lay on the top of the pile. His most favourite student ever. Teachers pet. You had gotten a 90 on the paper. He gave you a wink and continued to give out other students papers.

Next to the score lay a note. 'Text me', followed by his number. He wasn't ignoring you after all, he was just being discreet. You pulled out your phone, saving the number in your contacts. Excited to message him when you got back to your dorm.


For the rest of the lesson you both exchanged seductive stares across the lecture hall. None of your classmates were paying attention to the lesson anyways, so it was easier to get away with.

He allowed you to leave earlier to go to the bathroom, when all you really wanted to do was stay behind. Engage in another act of intimacy.

Texting him the minute you got into a bathroom stall, you sent him a quick text.

To Sebastian: Hey its Y/N <3

Followed by a quick response, he must be eager.

To Y/N: Hey, I can't stop thinking about you.

To Y/N: I need to see you again, alone.

Note: Hey guys, just a quick chapter as I left it too late lol and I have major jaw ache.


Literally last night I said I couldn't believe we had almost hit 10k wtf I LOVE YOU ALL! 😭😘💞

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