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Last night when you came home, you flopped onto the bed and the next thing it was light outside. Long night I guess. You didn't intend to fall asleep but everything that happened exhausted you. When you woke up, you realised your were still wearing your professors blazer.

"Who's is that?", Suzy asked noticing you were awake.

"Erm, it doesn't matter", you replied slipping it off of your shoulders.

"Well it's definitely not Winston's? Mystery guy?"

"Something like that I guess", you hopped out of bed and headed for a shower.

Wednesday was your only day of the school week where your timetable was empty. Taking the day for yourself was the best option. Suzy would be out all day anyway, so you didn't have to tell her how you were feeling. Deciding to hold it all in.

As you let the shower warm up, you stared at yourself in the mirror. Noticing the dried mascara that had ran down your face last night, remembering what Winston had done. Professor Stan was right, he was the jerk, you deserved better.

Stepping into the shower, letting the hot water wash away the evidence of your sadness, your mind began to wander. You and your professor shared such a intimate moment last night, almost engaging in a kiss, or more.

I was probably trying to get back at Winston, my emotions were everywhere, you thought to yourself. Denying the fact that you found your teacher hot. He was in fact the youngest of the college faculty and he had a sweet spot for you. Surely he's never given any of his other students a lift home before. Any other of your professors would have drove right past, getting on with their own life. But Professor Stan, he went in the opposite direction to where he was going just to make sure you got home safe.

You remembered how he touched your thigh. The way it made you feel. But it's weird, he's such a goody goody two shoes, following the rules all the time. Then again, was he following the rules by touching a student inappropriately? No he was just comforting me, it's nothing. You denied your attraction once more.

This man left so many questions unanswered. That's what made him so interesting to you. He seemed to care for you, but in a stalker kind of way. He was always there at the right time. Always making sure you were okay. Rooting for your success. But then he punished you, giving you detention and setting extra work.

His actions were teasing the fuck out of you. As were yours to him.


[Sebastian's POV]

You had lay there, awake all night. Denying your feelings. This girl knew how to taunt you so effortlessly. The way she likes to show off to you, how she called you sir when no one else did. And how short her goddamn skirt was.

Part of you had to stay professional, it was against the law to be involved with a student. But the other part of you wanted to rip her clothes off and bend her over your desk. She drove you crazy, sexually and emotionally.


[Back to Y/N's POV]

Your mind began to imagine the things that man could do to you. Wondering if he thought about it too. He had.

The warmth of the water and the visuals in your head left you feeling incredibly horny. God how stupid you looked, simping over your English professor. You moved your hand down towards the nub of your clit, rubbing circles around it. Imagining it was his hand instead of yours.

Little did you know, Professor Stan was doing the exact same. His mind was full of you, he couldn't escape his feelings. Moving his hand to his shaft and moving it up and down. Imagining it was your hand instead of his.

Both deep in intense pleasure with ones self, thinking about the other.

It didn't take you both long until you came. The sexual tension was unreal, wanting to rip each others clothes off whilst denying your feelings all at the same time. You liked to tease him, the way you broke dress code almost every lesson you had, giving him attitude. All while showing off and making him proud of you.

Would it be awkward between you two now? The way you felt about each other? I guess ill have to find out in detention tomorrow.

Note: I know you all read the warning at the start and thought it was sexy time... DON'T WORRY IT'S COMING.

Hope u enjoyed, this was sort of a filler chapter as I have work tonight hehe :)

I love u all, and I love your comments! <3

Professor Stan -  Yes SirWhere stories live. Discover now