Toi et Moi

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Finals were finally over, they went surprisingly well. 

Thanks to all the help Sebastian gave you over the past few weeks. You had spent basically every evening with him at the brew, going over notes, doing practise papers, flash cards. Your studying really payed off, feeling extra confident about how well you did compared to everyone else.

To Sebastian: Just got out of my last exam, just heading to my dorm to grab my suitcases then i'll meet you at the front.

Whilst walking towards your dorm building, your phone buzzed back almost instantly in your pocket. Prompting you to pull it out as quick as possible.

From Sebastian: Don't worry about it sweetheart, Suzy left them in the corridor and I grabbed them when everyone was in their exams. Just come straight to my car, i'm at the entrance now ❤️

He really did think of everything. You both had been so excited for this trip, you practically had your bags packed the minute he gave you the tickets. He had done all the planning, from transport, to activities and dining. He even took control over all of the documents, asking you for your passport two weeks ago. 

He was literally like the typical airport dad at this point. 

When you reached his car, he was waiting inside, all buckled up, ready to go. He had taken the afternoon off from work, just to make sure everything was prepared. Handing you a fresh bottle of water and some comfier shoes. 

"The flight is at 8pm, so when we get there we will have a little time to get some food if your would like? Airplane food isn't too nice in the evening", he mumbled, pulling out onto the busy road.

"Yeah sure, thank you for grabbing my stuff for me".

"No worries doll, how did your last exam go? Did you remember the stuff we went over yesterday?", his inner teacher was coming out, the only downside of your relationship.

"Of course I did, you made me go over it about ten times!", you both giggled, "and yes, it went really well".

He smiled, reaching over and grabbing your thigh as a sign of how proud he was of you. It was about 30 minutes to the airport, an hour at the most with traffic. Sebastian was too concentrated on getting there that he was silent for most of the drive. You put your earphones in, listening to some music to fill in the silence. 

Checking in at the airport, you were both running around frantically until you got through the final lot of security. Sebastian took a deep breath and reached down to kiss you, feeling like a weight had been lifted off of his shoulders. He could now relax with his girl, your first time out of America together. Your first time out of America at all.

You had only ever visited a few states, mainly when your dad had business there. Staying in a hotel, no sightseeing, no nothing. Just the worst vacation ever really. 

"You hungry?", he asked, wanting to make sure you ate before the long flight ahead of you.

"Yeah, can we get Chick-fil-a? I'm craving chicken so bad", you asked, prompting him to nod, taking you to the small fast food restaurant.

Today was predicted to be the last day of your period, you came on a few days ago. Still feeling like shit and cramps causing unnecessary pain. One of the downsides of birth control, it always messed up your period. Your fingers were crossed that today was going to be the last day, not the best thing for a 7-hour plane journey. 

You ordered enough food to feed the both of you, fast food filling your period cravings. Sebastian had never seen you eat so much, but he liked making sure your stomach was full, especially when he knew you were in pain. He didn't really understand but he tried his best to make you as comfortable as possible around him.

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