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Another rainy day in Manhattan. You woke up to droplets of water on the window, and a smile on your face, oh and that text from Sebastian. Opening the message you were filled with butterflies, you wanted to see him every second of the day, wishing you could wake up to his face every morning. He wished the same, this was the downside of a teacher-student relationship.

To Sebastian: I had a great time too, I miss you already.

The message delivered, you sprung out of bed with a more energy, after a good nights sleep. Ready for the day, well what was left of it, it was 12pm. You ordered lunch to be delivered, you didn't feel like cooking. McDonalds, craving the grease filled stuff. Chicken Nuggets and fries, and a cheeseburger on the side, feeling quite peckish.

Whilst you waited for food you scrolled through TikTok, completing half your face of makeup before getting up to get dressed. One lesson thats all, you thought to yourself, today will be easy. You got into your uniform, then completing the rest of your makeup, feeling extra pretty for once. 

Food arrived. You practically gobbled the stuff down, hungry as ever. Still no reply from Seb, he must be busy.

Time flew by and you ended up rushing, as per usual. Throwing random shit in your schoolbag, you had art today, needing as many supplies as possible. You didn't mind art class, but sometimes it was such a chore. Rushing yourself left you feeling anxious, panicking you were going to be late. By the time you arrived to lesson you were on the verge of a panic attack, sitting down in your seat trying to calm down, what a way to ruin a perfectly good day.

From Sebastian: How are you? Tired? Unable to walk still? 😂

You pulled your phone out of your pocket, hiding it under the table.

To Sebastian: Haha very funny.. i'm actually feeling quite anxious today, I feel like shit basically :(

The reply was instant.

From Sebastian: My last class is at 5pm, meet me at the front of campus at 5:30pm 🤍

To Sebastian: Ok 💞

The thought of seeing him made you feel a little better, the man cared so much for you, wanting you to be happy at all times. Sebastian stood in his lecture hall looking deeply distressed thinking about you, his students concerned by his expression. He must look so dumb right now, but deep down he wanted to dismiss class and take you back to his place. 

You decided to take your emotions out onto a piece of art. Although the teacher had assigned you to do a group project, you sat by the rainy window engrossed in your own feelings. Scribbling them down into your sketchbook.

You drew a bunch of scribbled lines all over the paper

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You drew a bunch of scribbled lines all over the paper. Hoping to take the edge off of your bad mood, it didn't. Oh and to make matters worse your professor complained about how you were disassociated from the class. You didn't care what she had to say, she couldn't make your day any worse.

Professor Stan -  Yes SirWhere stories live. Discover now