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From Sebastian: Morning, how was your night?

To Sebastian: Good thanks, just a little hungover :)

From Sebastian: Hope you're okay. Anything fun happen?

Sebastian was rushing around his apartment, he hadn't slept all night, his eyes puffy and bags growing darker. He lost you at about 12am, one second you were there, the next you were not. He hated himself for not paying enough attention. He forgot a few things from work, getting ready to head over there now. Hoping to bump into you.

To Sebastian: Not really, just a casual girls night in the city.

You were lying through your words, Winston and the others were still fast asleep in your dorm. Feeling confused and uncomfortable, you pushed yourself into the corner next to the wall, keeping as far away from Winston.

Sebastian knew you were with the two boys, he saw it with his bare eyes. He couldn't gather why you were lying to him, unless something happened once you left the bar. Thats the problem, you couldn't remember a thing, worried that something happened yourself.

"Morning", Suzy whispered across the room.

"Morning", you replied.

Suzy noticed Winston on your bed, pulling the same expression you did as you woke up. She couldn't remember a thing either. Taking too many hard drugs and drinking way too much alcohol.

"What the fuck is that about? Did something happen? What about Sebastian?", she panicked, waking up everyone else.

"S- who?", Jaymie groaned, rubbing his tired eyes.

"No-one", you were quick to respond, flashing a stressed look over to Suzy.

The thing that shocked you all the most was Suzy and Aspen. Aspen woke up with a smile over their face, pecking a kiss to Suzy's lips, stroking through her hair. You, Winston and Jaymie all looked at them in shock, yes they were meant to be soulmates but you had never seen them this close before. Especially without the secrecy.

"I know what you're all thinking, yes we are a thing, we've been dating for a few weeks now", Aspen giggled.

"But w- when did y- you", you smirked, "i've never- you know.. 'caught' you".

"Asp comes round when you're at- well you know... it's not that hard to sneak around you know", Suzy winked at you.

Winston wondered where you had been when Aspen and Suzy had been together. Suzy stuttered pretty obviously which caught his attention. He guessed you must have a new boyfriend or had been hooking up with someone. Did he mean nothing to you? He would have thought you would be still mourning over the break-up.

Him and Jaymie got up slowly, feeling light headed and nauseous. They began to sneak out of the dorm building, boys and girls weren't aloud to visit each others dorms. You were kind of glad to be honest, you liked having other girls company more than boys, you felt much more safe walking around the building.

As Winston was walking out of the exit, Sebastian was crossing campus to go to his office. Such an awkward moment to catch each other. Sebastian saw him leaving, knowing full well he would have been with you. He swallowed a lump in his throat, what had this boy done to his precious little girl. His girl.

Arriving in his office, he sent you another text. Desperate to see if you would lie to him once more.

From Sebastian: See anyone interesting last night?

Professor Stan -  Yes SirWhere stories live. Discover now