Wrinkled Bed Sheets

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"Hey", you whispered, nudging Sebastian to check if he was awake.

There was a long pause before he squinted his eyes open, "Hey".

Neither of you regretted last night, it was like the earth wanted you to be together, for Sebastian to find you on the street. Your brain kept replaying the memory of that first kiss. The way your lips were magnetised, drawn into place.

His eyes were staring into yours, trying to figure out how he let you go for so long. The two of you stared for a while. Holding onto this moment for dear life, cherishing each others presence in the hazy sunlight that beamed through the gap in the curtain.

You went to rub your sleepy eyes, realising there wasn't any crusted mascara or a lash. Looking at him in confusion, barely remembering the last few moments before you fell asleep last night, he lifted his head to show the makeup wipes lay on his nightstand. Your heart warmed at the gesture, leaning in hesitantly for a kiss, unknowing of what 'this' was. Sebastian let all of your worries slip away the minute his lips met yours, lifting his hand out of the sheets to caress cheekbone.

"How about we order brunch? I haven't been grocery shopping yet so unfortunately I can't make you breakfast in bed", he smiled, combing the tips of his fingers through your hair.

Giving him the eyes, you nodded, feeling ever so special.

He grabbed his phone from the nightstand, pulling up a delivery service app and ordering your usual. Remembering exactly what you chose like it was embedded in his brain. 40 minutes, a while to wait but just enough time to lay in bed with your boyfriend. Wait is he still my boyfriend?, you thought.

"Sebastian?", you pondered.

"Uhuh", his disassociated words made your face light up once more.

"What is this? Are we back together? Are you willing to risk this with me? I'm confused...".

He propped himself against the headboard, taking your hips and guiding you onto his lap. Without breaking eye contact he answered, "For the past few months I have beat myself up about the decision I made. It was you or your parents, and I was so frightened to lose you yet so frightened to face what was to come if I disobeyed them."

Sebastian took your hands in his, pulling them up to his face and kissing your knuckles and palms. You leant forward, pressing your forehead to his in a way that let him know you were in this as much as he was. Team effort.

"I'm not leaving you again, I just can't", he whispered softly.


After what felt like hours of being trapped in his arms, Sebastian stumbled out of bed and opened the tall white curtains that guarded his windowed view of the upper east side. Your eyes squinted as the light poured in, almost blinded, Sebastians figure blocking direct vision. His tall frame looking heavenly, just like how you imagined an angel to look like.

Just as he scuffed up his unwashed hair with his fingers, the faint sound of a knock on the door made you sit up with excitement. He turned to look at you with the cheekiest of grins, food!

You laid patiently in bed whilst he answered the door, hearing his voice kindly tip the delivery guy. He sure was in a good mood, I mean why wouldn't he be after getting you back, you were in the best of moods too. He opened the bedroom door with hands full, holding a bag in one hand, drinks in the other. Walking over and placing everything on the sheets, ready to tuck in.

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