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WARNING 18+ SEXUAL CONTENT (good luck besties)

Throughout the whole time you were typing up your assignments, Sebastian was having his own way with you. Motivating you by kissing down your neck, stroking your thigh and well basically distracting you the whole time. You knew that if you didn't finish your homework that there would be no reward. If this was high school you would be done by now, but college set so much more goddamn work.

You were typing up your last assignment, English, he could have given you the answers then and there. Growing impatient he shut your laptop and sat you on his lap. The couch was comfy, more of a sleeping couch than a sex couch.

"Enough is enough doll, you're taking too long", he muttered before attacking your lips with his.

Before you could retract yourself, he slipped his tongue in. This is a thousand times better than homework, you thought to yourself, curling your tongue around his. The kiss became heated. Your breaths huffed into each other's mouth passionately, pulling at clothing, needy for the others body. He ran his hands through your hair, pulling you closer. Closer than ever.

Feeling aroused, you began to grind on him through his clothes

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Feeling aroused, you began to grind on him through his clothes. He was already hard, so this made him 10x harder. You exchanged looks of lust, both extremely turned on by this moment. He took your waist in his hands, guiding your hips to a pace which fit you both the best. You bit your lip and let out a small moan, feeling the friction against your soaking pussy.

"Please let me taste you", you whispered in his ear, desperate for his cock.

That was one of the things you hadn't done yet. Suck his dick. He always wanted to pleasure you, dominate you. But you couldn't help but want to return the favour.

"Go on then... show me how much you want me", he groaned.

You shifted your hand to his pants, unbuckling his belt faster than ever, eager to get inside. Adjusting where you were sat so you could suck him easier, getting on your knees in front of him. He lay back, taking in all of you, watching every move you made.

Finding his cock, you were surprised by the size, as always. You must have seen it about 5 times now, but you were still shocked at all 9 inches, ready take all of it in your mouth.

You licked from the tip to the bottom of his shaft, he groaned at the feel of your tongue. He had craved this for weeks, sticking with his vow to please you, finally letting you take control of him for once. After teasing him for a moment, you slowly took him into your mouth, working your way down. He was surprised you took the whole thing, you let it slide down your throat, looking up at him seductively.

"Mmm fuck doll, you take me so well", he moaned, running his hand over his mouth.

Liking the way he reacted, you began to suck him faster and harder, making yourself gag in the process. When you retracted, you smirked up to him, tongue full of pre-cum. Sebastian let his head fall back, no one had ever sucked his cock this good. You ran your tongue across his shaft once more, this time stopping to suck little kisses all the way down. He grabbed a fist of your hair and pushed your head down, allowing his cock to slip down your throat with ease. You felt his cum coat your cheeks. Pulling back, swallowing it, showing him that you could take him easy.

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