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After classes finished for the day, you headed for your dorm to get ready for Sebastians. Packing some clothes for tomorrow and the rest of your homework that needed to be completed. You got dressed into some ripped jeans, a cropped vest and a knit cardigan with some converse. Wearing something that could be considered casual but you felt far too dressed up for your boyfriends place.

Usually you would roll up in sweatpants and an oversized hoodie, however Sebastian asked you to dress nicer, but not too nice. You guessed he was taking you somewhere, possibly out of town or something.

When you got to the front of campus, he was waiting in his car for you, parked but engine on. The minute you got inside, he revved the engine and sped off through the streets of New York. You drove around for about an hour, listening to music whilst trying to figure out where the hell he was taking you.

Pulling up outside of a shop you had never seen before, you asked, "where are you taking me?", watching a smirk fall upon his face.

He got out of the car, walking round to open your door, "just wait and see doll".

You left your stuff in the car and the both of you headed inside. A member of staff guided  you both upstairs, through a small opening behind the shop counter. There was a studio apartment just above, the fresh aroma filled the place, with a hint of rose.

As the woman unlocked the door, the both of you entered, revealing what Sebastian had set up for the two of you. His smile showed how proud of himself he was, and your smile showed how incredibly loved you felt. In the middle of the empty apartment lay a table for two, candle lit with a dozen roses placed in a vase.

Looking up to him your blush became ever so apparent, "this is adorable, thank you so much".

"That's not all", he mumbled.

"What do you mean?".

"Once again, you will have to wait and see...".

The woman closed the door, going downstairs to close the shop for the evening. Sebastian walked you to the table, pulling out the char, allowing you to sit down. Walking around, he sat down in his seat too, pouring the two of you a glass of red wine. Making you feel older than you were, how he was treating you like a grown woman.

On your plates were silver cloche's, covering the food you were about to dine. Sebastian lifted his, you following just after, revealing the greasy plate of food. Chinese. Your order was spot on. Sweet and Sour chicken with fried rice and two egg rolls. Sebastian stuck with his classic order of Singapore Vermicelli followed Salt and Pepper king prawns.

"See why I asked you to dress casual, i'm sorry it's not a five star restaurant", he muttered whilst digging into his meal.

"Listen", you said reaching for his hand, "I would have been just as grateful if we were eating Dominos Pizza on your couch watching shitty television", he smiled at your comment, "this is perfect... trust me".

"I love you", he said stuffing his mouth with noodles.

You giggled, "I love you too".


You both finished up your meal, mostly quiet the entire time, enjoying the food. By the time you were done, Sebastian's plate had been empty for a good ten minutes, still hungry as always. He moved your dishes over to the empty kitchen counter across the room.

He had explained that this building was owned by Anthony's brother, they hadn't rented out the newly refurbished apartment to anyone yet, so he agreed to let Sebastian host your date night here. It was quiet, hidden away and intimate. Perfect for the two of you.

As it grew darker and darker outside, the two of you had drank the rest of the bottle of wine, had multiple conversations on various topics and discussed where you saw your relationship going in the future. You were practically glowing with happiness, as was he. The two of you were meant to be together, no matter what the world had to say.

"I have a gift, just a small one, for the both of us", Sebastian said rattling around in the pockets of his blazer.

You gave him a death stare, hating receiving the ridiculously expensive gifts he always gave him, feeling bad you couldn't give him anything in return. He wasn't filthy rich but he worked hard for his money, wanting to spend it on you rather than himself. You still wore the anklet he gave you a few months ago, flaunting it around college campus everyday.

He gave you an envelope, printed on the front was your name in beautiful handwritten cursive. Eager to see what was inside, you ripped at the back with the edge of your nail, opening it up and pulling out the contents.

Two tickets to Paris, booked for the day before thanksgiving.

You blushed harder than ever, "Oh my god Sebastian! That's amaz-"

Interrupted by his words, "there's more...".

Once again you looked inside, this time pulling out two more tickets. This time from Paris to Romania.

"I- I can't believe it! You're taking me to Europe! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!", you practically jumped on him, smothering his face with kisses, your eyes filling with happy tears.

"You're welcome, so the flights leave on the last day of finals, so make sure you have your bags packed the night before so we can leave the minute you get out of that exam hall".

"Of course! How long are we going for? Where are we staying? What are we going to do whilst we are there? Oh my god are we going to your hometown?", you flushed.

"Calm down sweetheart", he giggled, "we are in Paris for two nights and then we fly to Bucharest on the Saturday at lunch, our flights back to New York are Monday afternoon".

"Thank you so much, i've never been to Europe I can't believe it!".

"I thought it would be nice to get away from America for thanksgiving, and a treat for finishing your finals", he pressed a soft kiss to your rosy cheek, "I've booked for us to stay a bed and breakfast, I think you will like the one in Paris, it faces the Eiffel Tower".

"I love you so fucking much... if I haven't said it enough already".

"Je t'aime ma chérie", he whispered into your ear, making you smile so hard your cheeks began to ache, "Why are you blushing so hard? All I did was say I love you in french".

Pulling him in for a passionate kiss, your lips intertwined, feeling the love radiate off of each other. Finally you could be seen in public together, not worrying about running into a classmate or another professor. It was going to be magical, you could just feel it.


A/N: So? What did you think?! I've had this planned for weeks and i'm so excited to write these next few chapters.

Just bare with me though as i'm still researching things about both cities, hopefully I get things correct for my French and Romanian readers. It's already hard as it is having to write from an American perspective when i'm British ahah.

Another reminder to follow my Professor Stan playlist on Spotify! I also have two Soundcloud accounts, one for just vibey tunes and one for shifting subliminals.



I love you all! <3333

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