Things You Could Get Fired For

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It didn't take long until the deep oak door swung open, Sebastian was holding two mugs with a huge smile on his face. He kicked the door shut with his foot and rushed over to place the coffee on his desk, taking your face in the palm of his hands then planting his lips on yours. It was long and relentless, an 'I missed you kiss', the type where he had his hands completely wrapped around your waist and his fingers pressed into your cheeks. You cupped his neck as you gasped for air, pulling away ever so slightly before being pulled back in by a snag to your lip.

"Hi", he muttered.

"Hi", you smiled, looking up into his eyes with a smile glowing over your face.

Recently, he had bought a brown leather couch to complete his office, vintage and scruffy. Perfect for meetings, marking papers late at night, and you know... other things. The two of you walked over to the couch, sitting down before digging into your sandwiches. You let out a muffled groan as you devoured the chicken filled bread, he really did make the best food, you had most definitely missed his cooking over many other things he did so well.

"Here...", he leant over, swiping his thumb over the corner of your mouth, "You really do make a mess of yourself don't you."

"And it's your specialty to clean me up", you let out a giggle.

Once you had finished your lunch, the two of you spoke for a little while, catching up on the past few weeks. Sebastian told you all about his Christmas and you told him about yours. About how it didn't feel right with him not being there, how one day you two would fly over to Romania for the holidays and experience a true European Christmas. How you would pack your things and leave everything behind. Just to be with him.

He moved closer, making you feel a rush from head to toe. His words became muffled, concentrating on his lips too much, you leaned in showing him the one thing you craved. Sebastian knew exactly what it was, taking your hips and guiding you over his thighs so that you were facing him. His eyes gazed over your body, forgetting that you were wearing your uniform and how he loved it. Noticing you were wearing the earrings he bought you, feeling proud of himself.

"Is this..", he grazed his hand over your thigh and up your skirt, "..what you want?".

"Mhm", you nodded.

Reaching your underwear, he moved his hand to the front, fingers tracing ever so slightly over your crotch, "Like this?".

"Mhm", you moaned this time.

As he fiddled with the hem of your underwear, you leant your head back and began to ride his cock through his pants. It didn't take long for him to react, retracting from beneath your skirt to pull you in for a heated kiss. You continued to grind as your tongues intertwined. He knew just how you liked it, showing you the cravings he had these past few weeks, wanting you more each and everyday. You were finally in arms reach, fuck-able to say the least.

Kissing him felt like the end of a movie, a type of satisfaction you couldn't describe. The two of you knew just what the other wanted, he moved his hand from your waist to your ass, grabbing with just the right pressure. Butterflies filled your stomach at his touch. His control, domination and desire crushing you with every movement. His breath hitched as he came onto a high, gripping your cheeks tighter in arousal.

On spur of a moment, the door handle rattled and the door swung open once more. This time it wasn't Sebastian bringing in your lunch, it was your ex-boyfriend, Winston fucking Forbes. He stormed in with a sadistic smile washed over his face, finally, he had caught you. He loved watching the faces you both made as you turned around in panic, both flushed and bright red. You were sat on Sebastians lap, straddling him, no way to play this off whatsoever.

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